parallel-prime is a java application to compute prime numbers less than n using distributed task-worker architecure using Akka toolkit
Akka helps build distributed and concurrent application easily in Java (and Scala) visit for documentation
Development Process:
brew install maven
Download akka from and install it at /path/to/akka-2.2.4/
cd /path/to/akka-2.2.4/
export AKKA_HOME=<pwd>
mvn archetype:generate
Accepts an integer as input from the user. Creates and ActorSystem and workers within the ActorSystem and sends them a message that has the integer to be checked for "isPrime". Each worker reads the message and prints out the integer in the message if it happens to be primr. The workers are reused with new messages each time.
mvn clean install
export CLASSPATH=/Users/<user>/.m2
cd over to the directory that has pom.xml
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="zerofox.assessment.exercise.ListPrime"