HW1 | HW2 | HW3 | HW4 | HW5 | HW6 | HW7 |
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- Gray-Level Image from RGB to YIQ or YCrCb
- Gray-Level Image from RGB to HSI
- Binary-Image Transformation from Gray-Level
- Arithmetic Operations
- Logic Operations
- Zero-Order Hold
- First-Order Hold
- Bilinear Interpolation
- Histogram Stretch
- Histogram Shrink
- Histogram Slide
- Histogram Equalization
- Gaussian Noise
- Uniform Noise
- Impulse Noise
- Linear Spatial Filter
- Nonlinear Spatial Filter
- Spatial Low-Pass Filter
- Median Filter
- Midpoint Filter
- Alpha-Trimmed Mean Filter
- Spatial High-Pass Filter
- Spatial High-Boost Filter
- Prewitt Operator
- Sobel Operator