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Frontend Mentor - Dine Website Challenge solution

This is a solution to the Dine Website Challenge challenge on Frontend Mentor.


Table of contents


The challenge

The project aims to create a fully functional restaurant website where users can:

  • View optimized layouts across different device screen sizes
  • Experience interactive hover states throughout the site
  • Navigate through different event sections (Family Gatherings, Special Events, Social Events) via tabs
  • Submit reservations through a validated booking form with specific error handling:
    • Required field validation for Name and Email Address
    • Email format validation
    • Date and time field completion validation



Dine Restaurant Homepage

Booking Page:

Dine Restaurant Booking Page

Booking Form Validation:

Dine Restaurant Booking Form Validation

My process

Built with

  • Next.js - A React framework that provides server-side rendering and other advanced features for building modern web applications.
  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework that allows you to rapidly build custom user interfaces.
  • shadcn/ui - A collection of reusable UI components built with Tailwind CSS, providing a consistent and visually appealing user interface.
  • Zod - A TypeScript-first schema validation library that helps ensure data integrity and type safety.
  • React Hook Form - A performant and flexible form handling library that simplifies form management and validation.

Project Structure

├── app/                    # Next.js app directory
│   ├── booking/            # Booking page route
│   ├── error.tsx           # Error page
│   ├── favicon.ico         # Favicon
│   ├── global-error.tsx    # Global error page
│   ├── layout.tsx          # Root layout
│   ├── manifest.ts         # Web app manifest
│   ├── not-found.tsx       # 404 page
│   ├── page.tsx            # Homepage route
│   ├── robots.ts           # Robots.txt configuration
│   └── sitemap.ts          # Sitemap configuration
├── components/             # Reusable components
│   ├── common/             # Shared components (e.g., icons, patterns)
│   ├── layout/             # Layout components (e.g., footer)
│   ├── pages/              # Page-specific components
│   │   ├── booking/        # Booking page components
│   │   └── home/           # Homepage components (sections like menu, events, etc.)
│   └── ui/                 # UI components (shadcn)
├── config/                 # Configuration files
│   ├── constants/          # Global constants
│   ├── seo/                # SEO-related configurations
│   │   ├── metadata/       # Page metadata
│   │   └── schemas/        # SEO schemas
│   ├── env.ts              # Environment variables
│   └── site.ts             # Site-wide configuration
├── features/               # Feature-based modules
│   └── booking/            # Booking feature
│       ├── components/     # Booking components (e.g., booking-form)
│       ├── constants/      # Booking-specific constants
│       ├── schemas/        # Validation schemas
│       ├── types/          # Types for booking feature
│       └── utils/          # Utility functions for booking
└── lib/                    # Shared utilities
    ├── hooks/              # Custom hooks
    ├── styles/             # Global styles
    ├── types/              # Shared types
    └── utils/              # Utility functions

What I learned

  • Next.js App Router: Implemented modern routing patterns and page organization using the Next.js 14+ app directory structure
  • Type Safety: Enhanced code reliability using TypeScript throughout the project
  • Form Validation: Created a robust form validation system using Zod and React Hook Form
  • Component Architecture: Developed a scalable component structure separating concerns between common, layout, and page-specific components
  • SEO Optimization: Implemented comprehensive JSON-LD schemas and metadata for better search engine visibility

Example schema generation:

import type { Graph } from 'schema-dts';

// generate-home-page-schema.ts
export const generateHomePageSchema = (): Graph => {
  return {
    '@context': '',
    '@graph': [

// generate-booking-page-schema.ts
export const generateBookingPageSchema = (): Graph => {
  return {
    '@context': '',
    '@graph': [

Continued development

Future improvements and features to consider:

  • Integration with a backend reservation system
  • Real-time availability checking
  • User authentication for managing reservations
  • Enhanced accessibility features
  • Performance optimization for images and animations
  • Integration with a CMS for menu management

Useful resources



  • The Next.js team for their excellent documentation and examples
  • shadcn for the amazing UI components