Implement Pinn entirely in golang (remove ANTLR) in x64/ARM64 assembly (eventually binaries). Heavily inspired by Golang, with a few tweaks to make it less brittle. The biggest tweak is not naming the language after a common verb. A ternary expression is allowed. Use it with care.
- Initial implementation in Go/ANTLR, Further development in Swift/ANTLR, Further development in this repo.
./ tic
to run a perfect game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
- ANTLR works well, but a clean hand written implementation should be faster. Also could not be there for a self-hosting eventual solution.
- LLVM was looked at. Go had an initial implementation in LLVM, but benefited from a complete self-hosted toolchain.
- ARM64 is set to appear on Macs. Owns phone space. Windows 10 now runs on it. It's fairly clean (especially compared to x64).
is still dominant. 32-bit versions are not prevalent anywhere, and would complicated things--especially x32.
- Lexer.
mostly works because of similarity to Go. - Parser. LL(1). Small hack to lower precedence of range
operator in ternary? :
expressions. - Generate x64/ARM64 assembly code. ARM64 is lapsed. Main platform is Mac/x64.
- Output binaries for Mac/Linux eventually in ARM64 and x64. LLVM has been rejected along with assemblers. This aligns with Golang.
#define SIZE 3;
//TIC TAC TOE as unit test
EMPTY := 0;
FALSE := 0;
TRUE := 1;
TIE := 3;
PLAYER_A := 1;
PLAYER_B := 2;
count := 0;
func minimax (player int, depth int, flob [SQSIZE]int) int
var da, db, x, y int;
var mxy int;
i := 0;
result := 0;
var best int;
da = dbg();
best = opposite(player);
result = winner(flob);
db = dbg();
assert(da, db);
if result != TIE {
return result;
if full(flob) == TRUE {
return TIE;
x = 0;
y = 0;
for x = 0; x < SIZE; x++ {
for y = 0; y < SIZE; y++ {
if flob[xy(x, y)] == EMPTY {
flob[xy(x, y)] = player;
result = minimax(opposite(player), depth + 1, flob);
if result == player {
return player;
if result == TIE {
best = TIE;
flob[xy(x, y)] = EMPTY;
return best;
func printBoard (flob [SQSIZE]int) {
var i, j int;
for i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ {
for j = 0; j < SIZE; j++ {
print(flob[xy(i, j)]);
func xy (fx, fy int) int {
rt := fy * SIZE;
rt += fx;
return rt;
func full (flob [SQSIZE]int) int {
i := 0;
for i = 0; i < SQSIZE; i++ {
if flob[i] == EMPTY {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
func line (x int, y int, dx int, dy int, flob [SQSIZE]int) int {
comp := flob[xy(x, y)];
if comp == EMPTY {
return TIE;
loop {
if x + dx < SIZE {
if y + dy < SIZE {
x += dx;
y += dy;
if flob[xy(x, y)] != comp {
return TIE;
return comp;
func winner (flob [SQSIZE]int) int {
var ii int;
rt := 0;
for ii = 0; ii < SIZE; ii++ {
rt = line(ii, 0, 0, 1, flob);
if rt != TIE
return rt;
rt = line(0, ii, 1, 0, flob);
if rt != TIE
return rt;
rt = line(0, 0, 1, 1, flob);
if rt != TIE {
return rt;
rt = line(0, SIZE - 1, 1, -1, flob);
return rt;
func opposite (opx int) int {
if opx == PLAYER_A {
return PLAYER_B;
return PLAYER_A;
func main() {
var flob [SQSIZE]int;
x := minimax(PLAYER_A, 0, flob);
assert(x, TIE);
assert(count, 0x17302);