The plugin generates a view of the current PV power on Venus. The inverter values are used for the internal consumption calculation on Venus. It is therefore not really necessary for the system to work, but still practical.
git clone on your local computer (git is not installed on venus)
Edit kostal.ini and add your credentials.
ip = # your ip adress
username = pvserver
password = xxxx
intervall = 10 # seconds
version = 1
# 0 for AC-IN1, 1 for AC-OUT, 2 FOR AC-IN2
position = 0
Version 2 devices respond on http://<IP>/measurements.xml
with a xml page like
<Device Name="PIKO 2.5-1 MP plus" Type="Inverter" Platform="Net16" HmiPlatform="HMI17" NominalPower="2500" UserPowerLimit="nan" CountryPowerLimit="nan" Serial="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" OEMSerial="YYYYYYYY" BusAddress="1" NetBiosName="INVZZZZZZZZZZZZ" WebPortal="PIKO Solar Portal" ManufacturerURL="" IpAddress="" DateTime="2021-11-06T08:10:32" MilliSeconds="055">
<Measurement Value="229.5" Unit="V" Type="AC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="6.345" Unit="A" Type="AC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="1456.3" Unit="W" Type="AC_Power"/>
<Measurement Value="0.0" Unit="W" Type="AC_Power_fast"/>
<Measurement Value="49.982" Unit="Hz" Type="AC_Frequency"/>
<Measurement Value="78.7" Unit="V" Type="DC_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Value="0.106" Unit="A" Type="DC_Current"/>
<Measurement Value="335.0" Unit="V" Type="LINK_Voltage"/>
<Measurement Unit="W" Type="GridPower"/>
<Measurement Unit="W" Type="GridConsumedPower"/>
<Measurement Unit="W" Type="GridInjectedPower"/>
<Measurement Unit="W" Type="OwnConsumedPower"/>
<Measurement Value="100.0" Unit="%" Type="Derating"/>
Edit kostal.ini and set version 2.
ip = # your ip adress
intervall = 10 # seconds
version = 2
# 0 for AC-IN1, 1 for AC-OUT, 2 FOR AC-IN2
position = 0
For version 3 devices there are no login credentials necessary, leave them blank. You can test if yoh have a version 3 device if you enter http:<IP>/api/dxs.json?dxsEntries=67109120
in the browser. If you don't get an error you have a version 3 device.
ip = # your ip adress
username =
password =
intervall = 10 # seconds
version = 3
# 0 for AC-IN1, 1 for AC-OUT, 2 FOR AC-IN2
position = 0
For all PIKO IQ and PLENTICORE PLUS inverters see You can check it with http:///api/v1/info/version. My plugin does not support PIKO IQ and PLENTICRE PLUS inverters!
A step by step guide for the root access is available at This is necessary for venus_kostal_pico.
If setting up root access (preferable with ssh key), create a folder in data and add start script ssh int venus
mkdir /data/venus_kostal_pico
echo -e '#!/bin/bash' >> /data/rc.local
echo '(cd /data/venus_kostal_pico/ && ./start_kostal_pico)' >> /data/rc.local
chmod +x /data/rc.local
and copy all files
scp venus_kostal_pico/* root@venusip:/data/venus_kostal_pico/
VElib is necessary. Link the whole velib_python directory somewhere from venus into the directory of venus_kostal_pico or clone from
root@venus_pi2:/data/venus_kostal_pico# ln -s /opt/victronenergy/dbus-pump/ext/velib_python ./
You can test you script with /data/rc.local. You should now see your inverter on venus display. To get same debug output you can start
from the console. It should look something like this:
$ ./
Using user: pvserver
/data/venus_kostal_pico/kostal_inverter.pyc starting up
Thread: doing
{"STATUS": " Einspeisen MPP", "VA": 229, "VB": 235, "VC": 230, "PT": 831, "IN0": 3.6, "PB": 291, "PC": 274, "PA": 266, "IA": 1.2, "IC": 1.2, "IB": 1.2, "EFAT": 47299}
POWER Phase A: 266W
POWER Phase B: 291W
POWER Phase C: 274W
POWER Total: 831W
KOSTAL Status: Einspeisen MPP