My personal website. Created in 2018. Uses PHP with Laravel, MySQL, JavaScript with Vue (converted from jQuery), HTML5, and CSS3. Visit to see a live demo of this project.
- PHP >= 8.2.0
- Node >= 12.14.0
- MySQL >= 5.7.0
- Composer
Clone the repository
git clone
Change to the repository directory
Run composer to install any PHP dependencies
composer install
Run npm to install any JavaScript dependencies
npm install
Build the CSS and JS assets with npm
npm run dev
After that, you need to create your .env
file and enter your database credentials and destination email address for the contact form
cp .env.example .env
Run the database migrations to create the database schema
php artisan migrate
Generate the application key
php artisan key:generate
Optionally, if you would like to see some testing data, you can run the seeder
php artisan db:seed
If you have correctly set up your .env
file, you should now be able to start the Laravel development server
php artisan serve
Visit the IP address (usually in your web browser.
You can also run the included tests if you want to verify your setup is working
php artisan test