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go-kafka-console-consumer is an extendable Kafka consumer written in Go that consumes from a given topic and writes the messages to the console as JSON.

There is out of the box support for a few encodings, if your encoding isn't supported you can write your own and pass it in.


In several projects I've worked on, I've found the ability to look and see what's sitting in Kafka to be incredibly useful. Apache saw the usefulness in this too so bundled with Kafka is the script Unfortuantely, if you send the messages encoded in any way the consumer will still spit out messages but they likely won't be readable. This program aims to solve that.

As of this writing there's an open issue to fix this functionality in It could be working now, but since I work mostly in Go anyway I haven't tried it. If you've already written SerDes in Java it's worth trying before you rewrite them in Go.


A pre-requisite for running this program is having Go installed on your computer and your GOPATH correctly set up.

Because of how this program is packaged (the main package is located in cmd/go-kafka-console-consumer) your go get will be a look a little different. See below.

If you don't plan on editing the code and just want to have the consumer available to run from your shell, run this command

go get

This will download the program's source code, compile it, and install the binary on your system's PATH.

If you don't want to install the binary right off the bat, clone the repository:

git clone

Should you decide to install the binary later you can do so by running the below command from the project's root directory

go install ./...


The possible arguments for the program are:

  -bootstrap-server (required)
  		Kafka broker URL
  		By default the program starts from the latest offset,
  		passing this will start it from the earliest offset
  		 (if you pass a group ID this may not behave
  		 as expected, see `group` below)
  -schemas string
    	If the message type you pass requires schemas,
    	pass them here (The included Avro decoder only
    	supports one schema, custom decoders may take multiple)
  -topic string (required)
    	Kafka topic to consume from
  -type string (required)
    	Either pass a supported type or pass a path to a
		custom decoder
    	Default support:

*** Experimental ***
  -converter string (only for use with message type `avro`)
  		Optionally pass the path of a compiled plugin
		that will perform additional parsing
  -group string
  		Optionally pass a group ID for your consumer.
  		If the consumer group has connected to Kafka
  		before the broker will ignore requests to start at
  		the earliest offset and will instead consume
  		from the earliest offset not yet read by the
  		group. As far as I'm aware
  		there is no way around this.

*if you're really used to the bundled kafka-console-consumer passing the arguments with -- is also supported.


With the binary installed in your PATH

go-kafka-console-consumer -bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -topic test -type msgpack -from-beginning

From the project root directory

go run cmd/go-kafka-console-consumer/main.go -bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -topic test -type avro -schemas /path/to/schema.avsc

Default Supported Encodings

By default go-kafka-console-consumer supports:

  • Apache Avro passed as avro
  • MessagePack passed as msgpack
  • JSON passed as json


This program is written to be extended with Go plugins, if you haven't worked with plugins before here's a good article about them

System Requirements

By itself this program will run on any machine capable of running Go binaries (though I have yet to test it on a Windows machine). However, plugins are still new so there's limited support for them.

Operating System: Linux or macOS Go version: 1.8+

Writing a Plugin

To work with go-kafka-console-consumer a plugin must implement this interface

	Decoder interface {
		ValidateSchemas(schemas string) error
		Decode([]byte) (interface{}, error)

and have a variable exposed called Decoder that is an instance of that implementation. The package name for any Go plugin must be main.

ValidateSchemas will be passed an unparsed string containing the schema(s). Perform any validation logic on the schema(s) here, if schemas aren't required create a function that returns nil.

Decode will be passed the Value of the Kafka message. This function MUST return an interface that can be marshalled into JSON using Go's standard library. (Ideally, the entire Kafka message would be passed but we're limited by Go plugins. This will be fixed in a future update.)

An example of the MessagePack decoder as a plugin can be found in the examples directory.

Converter Plugins (Experimental)

Like decoder plugins, converters must implement an interface to work

	type Converter interface {
		ConvertFields(record map[string]interface{}) error

Converter plugins must expose an instance with the variable name Converter.

ConvertFields will be passed the decoded record as a map[string]interface{}. This function should parse the record and type assert fields as necessary so they can be better represented in the console. I will be adding an example converter soon.

Compiling plugins

go build -buildmode=plugin -o /path/to/a/ /path/to/a/plugin/source.go

Running with Plugins

Instead of passing one of default types, pass the path to a compiled plugin.

go-kafka-console-consumer -bootstrap-server localhost:9092 -topic test -type /path/to/a/ -from-beginning

Assuming the plugin is implemented correctly it should work just like that!


Human Readable Kafka CLI Consumer written in Go







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