Pymarket is the implementation of the Bornholdt Ising Model in Python. All background information can be found at the main page. You can switch to the 2D, 3D and GPU accelerated implementations by checking out their respective git branches "2D", "3D", "CUDA_2D", "CUDA_3D".
For example
git branch 3D
will update the repository to the Python 3D implementation.
To run simulations with this script, execute in the source directory.
The program expects a file "multising.conf" in the directory it is called from. This file contains all the values for the simulation like grid size and parameters. The path to the file can also be passed as the first argument in the terminal.
Example configuration file:
grid_height = 512
grid_width = 512
grid_depth = 512
total_updates = 100000
seed = 2458242462
alpha = 15.0
j = 1.0
beta = 0.6
init_up = 0.5
The parameter grid_depth is only needed for 3 dimensional lattices. For alpha = 0 this model resembles the standard Ising model.
This project is licensed under MIT License (see LICENSE.txt).