Demeter1 is a modern and open source deterministic neutron transport code for reactor simulations. The code is designed to perform 3D fixe source and eigenvalue calculations by solving the multi-group neutron transport equation.
The physics is coded in C++, with Python as user interface for easy and fast usage.
1. DEterMinistic nEutron Transport solvER
- Setup Cmake.
- Add and test Eigen.
- Setup directory structure.
- Code and test Material class.
- Collect source and compile.
- Setup nanobind and write Python bindings for Material.
- Write a python test for Material class.
- Code and test Geometry class.
- Cell
- Lattice.
- Code and test angular quadrature
- Gauss-Legendre
- Code and test Solver module.
- Compute and update fission source.
- Compute and update keff.
- Compute and update scattering source.
- Base solver.
- Mesh.
- Boundary conditions.
- Test Geometry and solver in python.
- Geometry bindings.
- Solver bindings.
- Test
- Write full benchmark
- In C++.
- In Python.
- Mesh refiner, rings and sectors for cell
- Enable users to test the lib with codespace and notebooks.
- GPU offload.
- Add AddressSanitizer, ThreadSanitizer, MemorySanitizer.
- Setup Github Action.
- Improve Github Action, by fixing OpenMP not found and with recent version of compiler and Eigen.
- Setup clang-format with Google style.
- Setup clang-tidy.
- Fix how to launch clang-tidy locally and on action.
- Move bindings elsewhere
- Doc style (eg doxygen) and the way to generate it automatically.
- Choose how to handle asserts: thow user errors at runtime and assert internal error on debug build
- Add a Logger (spdlog, or nanolog or fmtlog) and std::format.
- Add a timer.
- Use doctest for unit tests in c++ and python.
- Maybe switch to include/demeter, src, src/binding, test, extra directory structure
- Add -Werror flag
- Setup gcc analizer.
- Generate .clagn-tidy with --warnings-as-errors=
- Peform cland-tidy in github action.
- A C++ compiler compatible with at least version 17 of the standard, eg:
- GCC 8 and later
apt install build-essential
, - Clang 8 and later
apt install clang libomp-dev clang-tidy clang-format
- GCC 8 and later
- CMake 3.4 and newer
apt install cmake
. - Eigen 3.3 and newer
apt install libeigen3-dev
. - Python 3.8 and newer
apt install libpython3-dev
- Doxygen 1.12 and newer
apt install doxygen
cd <project-directory>
python -m venv pyenv
source pyenv/bin/activate
pip install numpy matplotlib
pip install .
Following this, you should be able to access the extension
>>> from demeter import *
>>> help(Material)
git clone --recursive
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j
Then try
cmake -S . -B build/ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cmake --build build/ # build the binaries
cmake -S . -B build/ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++-18
cmake -S . -B build/ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fsanitize=memory
The documentation is automatically generated using Doxygen. To install it, refer to:
doxygen Doxyfile
You can modify the configuration file Doxyfile to generate the documentation according to your preferences.