This repository contains a script for adding issues to GitHub repositories as part of the Samvera Branch Renaming Group's change process. Visit the Samvera wiki to learn more about the group and our process.
- Git
- GitHub account
- GitHub CLI
- To install, first clone the repository:
$ git clone
$ cd branch_renaming_change_process
- Authenticate to the GitHub CLI with your GitHub account:
$ gh auth login
- Once authenticated, you are ready to use the script:
$ ./
- You will be prompted to provide URL of the GitHub repository you are working on. Type the full URL at the prompt, then hit
$ ./
Specify a repository in "[HOST/]OWNER/REPO" format
- You will be prompted to enter the number of each issue you wish to open for the specified repository. Enter the number for each issue on one line, and hit
Enter 1, 2, 3, and/or 4 to open the following issue(s) [example: 1, 24, 1234]:
[1] Add Circle CI step that fails if branch name is master
[2] Recommendation for branch name testing - add CircleCI or update documentation
[3] Add language to README about branch naming
[4] Update references of hard-coded legacy master branch name to main branch name
- You will see output for each issue successfully created:
[4] Update references of hard-coded legacy master branch name to main branch name
$ 1234
Add Circle CI step that fails if branch name is master
Creating issue in myUser/repositoryName
Recommendation for branch name testing - add CircleCI or update documentation
Creating issue in myUser/repositoryName
Add language to README about branch naming
Creating issue in myUser/repositoryName
Update references of hard-coded legacy master branch name to main branch name
Creating issue in myUser/repositoryName