crud is a tool for generating api defined files from datasource.
inspired by sql2pb but code is completly rewritten.
datasource supported:
- mysql
api files supported:
- proto3
- zero api
go install
crud [flags]
-f, --format string output format support proto3 or zeroapi (default "proto3")
--source string datasource example: root:123456@tcp(
-m, --method string methods separated by "," (default "add,delete,update,info,list,search")
-c, --ignore_cols string columns ignored separated by "," (default "create_at,create_time,created_at,update_at,update_time,updated_at")
-t, --table string tables separated by "," or "*" for all tables (default "*")
-s, --service string service name
--go_package string go_package used in proto3 (default the same as service)
-p, --package string package used in proto3 (default the same as service)
--style string style of field name in proto3 message, goCrud or go_crud (default "go_crud")
-h, --help help for crud
crud -f zeroapi --source "root:123456@tcp(" -s shop > shop.api
crud -f proto3 --source "root:123456@tcp(" -m "add,delete,update,info,list,search" \
-c "created_at,updated_at,deleted_at" -t * -s shop -go_package shop -package "./shop" --style go_crud > shop_model.proto
- sort messages
- data type convert from db to api file
- db enum type
- clean code of convert module
- filter out time-related fields in tables
- args parser
- project layout
- api file support
- custom proto3 message field style
- fully test
- document
- comment
please feel free to contact me for any question or suggestion of crud
- email:
- github: