jp.keijiro.apriltag is a Unity package providing a native code implementation of an AprilTag tracker.
AprilTag is a marker based tracking system developed by the APRIL Robotics Laboratory at the University of Michigan. Please see the AprilTag web page for further details.
- Unity 2021.3
At the moment, this package supports the following systems:
- Windows (x86-64), macOS (x86-64), Linux (x86-64), iOS (arm64), Android (arm64)
This package is available in the Keijiro
scoped registry.
- Name:
- URL:
- Scope:
Please follow this gist to add the registry to your project.
Clone this repository and play DetectionTest.unity
on Unity Editor.
The current version of the TagDetector
component only supports the
tag set. You can download those tag images from
the apriltag-imgs repository. Print some of them using a printer, or use a
smartphone screen to display the tags.
The DetectionTest
component uses the Field of View value of the main camera to
estimate tag positions. You can try the sample without adjusting it, but it may
give incorrect depth information. To get accurate tag positions, you should
match the FoV value with the actual camera FoV.
For example, I'm using Zoom Q2n-4K video camera for testing, which gives about 78 degrees horizontal FoV at the mid-angle mode. So I changed the FOV Axis to "Horizontal" and the Field of View value to 78.
At first, create the AprilTag.TagDetector
object specifying the input image
dimensions. You can run the detector in a lower resolution by specifying a
decimation factor. It may improve the speed at the cost of accuracy and
detection rate.
detector = new AprilTag.TagDetector(imageWidth, imageHeight, decimation);
Call the ProcessImage
method every frame to detect tags from an input image.
You can use ReadonlySpan<Color32>
to give an image. At the same time, you have
to specify the camera FoV (horizontal) in degrees and the tag size in meters.
detector.ProcessImage(buffer, fov, tagSize);
You can retrieve the detected tags from the DetectedTags
foreach (var tag in detector.DetectedTags)
Debug.Log($"{tag.ID} {tag.Position} {tag.Rotation}");
Dispose the detector object when you no longer need it.
For details, please check the DetectionTest.cs example.
- The original AprilTag project repository:
- Pre-generated tag images:
- A fork of the AprilTag repository used to build Unity plugin binaries.