In this project, we implement Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) from scratch (using Numpy only), without using DL framework such as Tensorflow.
In the following, the key steps and their corresponding code snippets are listed. The DDPG algorithm is implemented in
- Select action a_t according to current policy and exploration noise
a_t = actor.predict(np.reshape(s_t,(1,3)), ACTION_BOUND, target=False)+1./(1.+i+j)
- Execute action a_t and observe reward r_t and observe new state s_{t+1}
s_t_1, r_t, done, info = env.step(a_t[0])
- Create and sample from replay buffer
- Set y_i according to the following equation:
y=np.zeros((len(batch), action_dim))
a_tgt=actor.predict(states_t_1, ACTION_BOUND, target=True)
Q_tgt = critic.predict(states_t_1, a_tgt,target=True)
for i in range(len(batch)):
if dones[i]:
y[i] = rewards[i]
y[i] = rewards[i] + GAMMA*Q_tgt[i]
- Update the critic network by the loss function
loss += critic.train(states_t, actions, y)
- Update the actor policy using the sampled policy gradient:
which needs the input of
dQ_da = critic.evaluate_action_gradient(states_t,a_for_dQ_da)
which in turn relies on
a_for_dQ_da=actor.predict(states_t, ACTION_BOUND, target=False)
Finally, the following code implements the actor policy update:
actor.train(states_t, dQ_da, ACTION_BOUND)
- Update target networks
The actor network is implemented in
The critic network is implemented in
. We note that we follow the implementation as mention in DDPG paper. The following sketch shows the architecture of the critic network.
In the process of the coding, I am informed and inspired by the coding practice, style, technique in the following Github repository (,