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Data Provider

Get Data as Byte with Data Type from anywhere which providers are defined.

Travis-CI Coverage Status


Always we need to get data from anywhere. In a lot of application or libraries we want to find data by the given environment and options.

Provider Interfaces

  • Provider Factory
type ProviderFactory func(opts ...interface{}) (Provider, error)
  • Provider
type Provider interface{
	Get(input interface{}) ([]byte, string, error)

Create, Setup, Build Provider

  • Create(provider type) Create is take provider type like file or http
var p, err = provider.Create("http")
  • Setup if provider needs options for setup then you can use this method.
var p, err = provider.Create("http").Setup(opts...interface{})
  • Build Provides to create provider.
var p, err = provider.Create("http").Build()

Exist Providers file, http

  • file provider Provides to get data from absolute or relative file path.
p, err := provider.Create("file").Build()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("couldn't create file provider !")
} else {
    data, ext, err := p.Get("./file.go")
  • http provider

Provides to get data from absolute or relative file path.

  • Standard Http Provider
p, err := provider.Create("http").Build()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("couldn't create http provider !")
} else {
    data, ext, err := p.Get("")
  • Custom Http Provider if you need to apply some security rules then
// get file by http provider
	result, contentType, err = p.Get(&provider.HttpInput{
		Method: "GET",
		Headers: map[string]string{},

New Provider

Create You Provider
  • Create Provider
type MyProvider struct {
	opts interface{}
  • Create Get method for your provider
func (provider *MyProvider) Get(input interface{}) ([]byte, string, error) {
	result is must be data as []byte
	contentType is extension of the data.
	return result, contentType, err
  • Create Provider Factory Function.
func MyProviderFactory(opts ...interface{}) (Provider, error) {
	return &MyProvider{
		opts: nil,
	}, nil

Add Your Provider to Data Provider

import (
func main() {
    provider.Add("myProvider", MyProviderFactory)


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