Boilerplate for services with Celery, SQLAlchemy, Docker, Alembic and Pytest.
Here is a stable way to run scheduled or triggered tasks in python using celery. This boilerplate will fit any integration purpose when you need to synchronize resources or databases.
Current project is pytest friendly. It is very easy to start writing tests for your code here.
Copy whole project and remove or rewrite all dummy code with example
in it. There is an example migration file in migrations/versions/
directory, so you may want to remove it also.
To set up your environment locally you need to define SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI
parameters in .env
file. Check .env.example
as an example.
Install pipenv
pip install pipenv
Then run
pipenv install
Create celery tasks inside src/app/
files as usual:
from app.celery import celery
from app.db import session_scope
def example_task():
with session_scope() as session:
Extend src/app/
with schedule for your tasks:
from celery.schedules import crontab
celery.conf.beat_schedule = {
"example_task": {
"task": "app.tasks.example_task",
"schedule": crontab(minute="*")
There are ready-to-use database fixtures which can greatly help with testing your code in near to production way. Don't forget to run your database, e.g. with docker-compose up -d
To run tests:
cd src && pytest
Run all-in-one command:
isort . && black . && flake8
This boilerplate uses Alembic to run and create new migrations.
To auto-generate migrations:
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Some migration name"
To run migration (with database on):
cd src && alembic upgrade head
To run migration in prod compose:
docker-compose -f run celery alembic upgrade head