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Starter project for Fullstack React Apollo GraphQL with Prisma

This starter project is extended from React Full Stack Graphql



You need to have the GraphQL CLI installed to bootstrap your GraphQL server using graphql create. You need to have docker installed to deploy the database and the prisma service to docker instances. Requires Node version >8

npm i -g graphql-cli docker prisma

Getting started

# 1. Navigate into the `server` directory of the new project
cd <project folder>/server

# 2. Deploy the MySQL database and prisma service to the docker instances
yarn setup

# 3. Start the server
yarn dev # runs server on http://localhost:4000, and opens GraphQL PLayground on http://localhost:5000

# 4. Open a new tab in the terminal and navigate back into my-app;
# then run the app
cd ..
yarn dev



  • yarn start starts GraphQL server on http://localhost:4000
  • yarn dev starts GraphQL server on http://localhost:4000 and opens GraphQL Playground on http://localhost:5000
File name                Description         

├── .graphqlconfig.yml Configuration file based on graphql-config (e.g. used by GraphQL Playground).
└── database (directory) Contains all files that are related to the Prisma database service
├── prisma.yml The root configuration file for your Prisma database service (docs)
└── datamodel.graphql Defines your data model (written in GraphQL SDL)
└── src (directory) Contains the source files for your GraphQL server
├── index.js The entry point for your GraphQL server
├── schema.graphql The application schema defining the API exposed to client applications
└── generated (directory) Contains generated files
└── prisma.grapghql The Prisma database schema defining the Prisma GraphQL API


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