Applying ROSA to the SUAVE exemplar
Tested with ubuntu 22.04 and ROS Humble
Check the SUAVE repo for additional installation instructions to install SUAVE.
Create workspace and clone repo:
mkdir -p ~/suave_rosa_ws/src
cd ~/suave_rosa_ws/src
git clone
Get dependencies:
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
vcs import src < suave_rosa.rosinstall --recursive
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
colcon build --symlink-install
Run ardusub SITL: -L RATBeach -v ArduSub --model=JSON --console
Run SUAVE simulation:
source ~/suave_rosa_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch suave x:=-17.0 y:=2.0
Run ROSA for the original SUAVE use case:
source ~/suave_rosa_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch suave_rosa mission_type:=time_constrained_mission result_filename:=suave_rosa_result
Run ROSA for the extended SUAVE use case:
source ~/suave_rosa_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch suave_rosa mission_type:=time_constrained_mission result_filename:=suave_rosa_result
The SUAVE docker image was extended to include ROSA. You can find additional information about the original SUAVE image in the SUAVE repo.
Run with docker:
docker run -it --shm-size=512m -v $HOME/suave_rosa_results:/home/kasm-user/suave/results -p 6901:6901 -e VNC_PW=password --security-opt seccomp=unconfined
You can run SUAVE + ROSA with the instructions in the running section
Or you can use a runner to execute the experiments multiple times (check SUAVE repo for more info):
./ true rosa time 20
docker build -t suave_rosa -f docker/Dockerfile .