A framework which allow you to write and run your script with master and slave machines.
install request using "pip install request"
clone the below supported tool, extract them and place it besides the tracker.py file
https://github.com/lightbody/browsermob-proxy/releases/download/browsermob-proxy-2.1.4/browsermob-proxy-2.1.4-bin.zip https://github.com/AutomatedTester/browsermob-proxy-py.git
run the selenium server
run the browsermob which is located in browsermob-proxy-2.1.4/lib using below command
java -jar browsermob-dist-2.1.4.jar
Place ip in "localhost" location in py file.
python tracker.py
it will write response besides the file with the name "response.har".
Place input.csv file besides the script.py file, will generate no of response files with the source and destination names.
Ex: "INNSA_DEHAM.har" Update