PolyMessages is a messaging platform for students that allows students to seamlessly communicate with fellow students in their school and in their classes. Unlike traditional messaging apps, our product provides the unique ability to message any student who has logged in before by name or by student info, offering a platform for students to discover and connect with their classmates. In addition to this, we provide many features, such as real-time messaging, editing and deleting messages from both sides, sending images, and much more.
To ensure consistency in our code, we follow these style guides:
- JavaScript and React: Airbnb JavaScript/React Style Guide
- General JavaScript: Google JavaScript Style Guide
All code contributions must pass the style checks enforced by our tools (ESLint and Prettier)
Clone the repo (git clone)
Create the .env file in express-backend
- Generate a JWT secret
- Obtain a connection string from MongoDB
Npm install
- Npm install in root
- Npm install in react-frontend
- Npm install in express-backend
Install ESLint and Prettier
npm install eslint prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier --save-dev
- Install the Prettier and ESLint extensions from the VSCode Marketplace.
- Add the following settings to your VSCode configuration (.vscode/settings.json):
{ "editor.formatOnSave": true, "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "eslint.validate": ["javascript", "javascriptreact"] }
Setup all configuration files as shown in the repository
Set up Auto-Formatting on Save (VSCode)
- John Raj
- Brennan Andruss
- Karthik Balaji
- Alec Odell