It is XRP Ledger Wallet API. You can create wallet and issue a token to different wallet.
I have use public XRP Ledger Testnet server. I am using two wallet Cold wallet & Hot wallet. Cold wallet is use for issuing token to other Hot wallet. We have two API one more create hot wallet & second more received tokens.
This API will give you fresh Hot wallet. You have write the name. It will give you wallet address & wallet seed.
"name" : "Karan J Goraniya"
Before you request you have to add custom token to your wallet. Using XRP Create Trust Line API.
Token Address
LOX : rn2sbUWaB2iDPjuDncEUXePRwtVdafTBk3
SOX : rn2sbUWaB2iDPjuDncEUXePRwtVdafTBk3
NFX : rn2sbUWaB2iDPjuDncEUXePRwtVdafTBk3
After you get Wallet Address & Wallet Seed you can request your required three tokens. Before that you have to add token address manually to your wallet using XRP-Toolkit.
You have to provide four things to received tokens in your account.
- 1 Your Name
- 2 Token Name ( Only three SOX, LOX, NFX )
- 3 Your Wallet Address ( Not Seed Phrase )
- 4 Token Amount
"name" : "Karan J Goraniya",
"tokenName": "SOX",
"wallet_address": "r9xWBX1HtaeMYytzkwKQQMWuEkAKfs5ciE",
"tokenQty": "2000"
create .env file in root directory.
Add this to your .env file or you can see .env.sample file
-Get Your Hot Wallet
-Get Your Hot & Cold wallet for Testnet
-Get Your WebScoket
- You can use public client for Testnet
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd xrp-ledger
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npm start