Catalog source for installing latest commits from OADP Operator. Not supported.
Install catalogsource
oc apply -f
Then filter Sources by Tiger’s OADP Edge
or on OpenShift Web Console
- Administration
- Cluster Settings
- Configuration
- OperatorHub
- Sources
- Create CatalogSource
- name:
- display name:
Tiger's OADP Edge
- publisher:
Tiger Kaovilai
- image:
- Availability: Cluster-wide CatalogSource
- Create
- name:
- You should now be able to install latest OADP Operator.
Images are tagged with git ref from openshift/oadp-operator used to build them.
Available catalog tags:
receive automatic updates (hopefully).$(git rev-parse upstream/master)
pin to a specific upstream/master commit.
Version numbering: 0.99.YYYYMMDDHHMM, year month date hour minutes (UTC)
Icon credits: User:Hellerick, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons