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Basic setup for Drupal on aquia.

Project init notes

Why? Non-pantheon projects are signifigantly different in terms of all the pieces it's easier to start from here.

  1. Create new repo from template
    • Setup a github team specific to the project
    • Add branch protection
    • Squash and merge only
  2. Get the acquia settings.php file and drush alias file for site in acquia
  3. Update docksal/circleci environment variables as necessary
  4. Make docksal is setup with KDCL basic based theme. see docksal command.
  5. Add code@kanopi to acquia project
  6. Add tugboat ssh key to code@kanopi acquia account
  7. Update documentation as necessary

Important links

Local development

We use Docksal to do our local development. Please install Docksal first.

Acquia Config

Configuring Acquia a key and secret must be set up to download asset from Acquia like the database. To create a key and secret go to the API Tokens.

fin config set --global SECRET_ACQUIA_CLI_KEY=XXX
fin config set --global SECRET_ACQUIA_CLI_SECRET=XXX

Once your key has been added, verify that you have access to the project in Acquia, then proceed with the following steps to build the project:

git clone
fin init


The theme is based off the Kanopi Design Component Library which uses Storybook and is originally forked from Emulsify DS.

The theme included is located within docroot/sites/themes/custom/THEME.

The Storybook Design System published to the gh-pages branch and is available at

Locally, running fin npm run storybook or fin npm run build will build the Storybook at http://storybook.${VIRTUAL_HOST}

The theme uses Webpack and NPM to manage packages and run scripts.


  • Theme development run fin npm run develop. This will watch for all twig, js, and sass changes within the components directory.
  • The development storybook URL http://storybook.${VIRTUAL_HOST}

Storybook Webpack

For webpack storybook to work within a docksal container we needed to set watchOptions in docroot/themes/custom/THEME/.storybook/webpack.config.js

config.watchOptions = {
  aggregateTimeout: 200,
  poll: 1000,

Theme Commands

The following commands are available with Node and should be prefixed with the command fin npm run.

Command Description
commit git-cz
lint Lint JS
a11y Run a11y on theme
storybook Start storybook
build-storybook Build static storybook
deploy-storybook Generate storybook for github pages
webpack Run webpack
build Build storybook
develop Run storybook and webpack at the same time
test Run tests
twatch Watch tests run
coverage Check test coverage
format Clean up code format
lint-staged lint-staged
postinstall Patches packages
criticalcss Compile critical CSS assets

Composer Commands

The following commands are available with Composer and should be prefixed with the command fin composer.

These are primarily run in CI tests, and in Lefthook pre-push githooks, but you can still run them on your own if you wish.

Command Description
lint-php Analyzes the custom modules folder for programmatic and stylistic errors
code-sniff-modules Runs PHPcs on the custom modules folder
code-sniff-themes Runs PHPcs on the custom themes folder
code-sniff Runs code-sniff-modules and code-sniff-themes
code-fix-modules Runs PHPcbf on the custom modules folder
code-fix-themes Runs PHPcbf on the custom themes folder
code-fix Runs code-fix-modules code-fix-themes rector-fix lint-php
phpstan PHPStan focuses on finding errors in the custom modules and themes folders without actually running it.
rector-modules Dry run on the custom modules folder of automates that checks for deprecations
rector-themes Dry run on the custom themes folder of automates that checks for deprecations
rector-fix-modules Automates the refactoring of deprecations on the custom modules folder
rector-fix-themes Automates the refactoring of deprecations on the custom themes folder
rector-fix Runs rector-fix-modules and rector-fix-themes
code-check Runs phpstan rector-modules rector-themes code-sniff

Docksal Commands

The following commands are available with Docksal and should be prefixed with the command fin

Command Description
composer Composer wrapper that executes within the CLI container.
init Init Command that starts the project from scratch.
init-site Called from init.
install-theme-tools Runs Emulsify/Storybook setup scripts.
npm NPM wrapper.
refresh Will get the database and files from Acquia with ACLIv2
share Opens a proxy server to your local computer using Share in real time, or test locally.
pa11y Runs accessbility audits against the site

Pa11y Audits

We have a Docksal command that will run pa11y-ci audits fin pa11y. When the command finishes the reports are available at the following url pa11y.VIRTUAL_HOST

If you want to change the configuration of the Pa11y tests you can edit the .pa11yci.js file.

Note: This was cribbed from Phase2


Deployments are managed through Tugboat, CircleCI and the Acquia UI.

Code flow:

  1. Create a PR from your branch that has your updates in it.
    • CircleCI will also run code standards and rector checks against the PR.
  2. This will create a Tugboat environment to test your new feature/change in.
    • Tugboat provides Lighthouse and Backstop visual regression testing.
  3. Once the code is ready, merge the PR in to the default branch.
  4. CircleCI will do a git push to the dev environment on Acquia
    • We are using Acquia Cloud Hooks to do a Drupal config imports and database updates on deploys in Acquia.
    • Note: If you update the major version of Drush you need to double check that version is available in Acquia. I.E. drush11 or drush10. Currently, it's set to Drush 10.
  5. To deploy to production use the Acquia UI to move the code to the different environments


We are using Acquia Solr Search which defaults to Solr 7.

We have setup Solr on Docksal and Tugboat with environment specific config overrides in settings.php

$config['search_api.server.acquia_search_server'] = [
  'backend_config' => [
    'connector' => 'standard',
    'connector_config' => [
      'scheme' => 'http',
      'host' => 'solr',
      'path' => '',
      'core' => 'search_api_solr_8.x-2.0',
      'port' => '8983',

The Search API UI for editing the doesn't show the changes right away. To validate the overrides run the following command drush cget search_api.server.acquia_search_server --include-overridden