You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 8
This page covers the configuration of settings.yml. You can also view the default settings by opening ChatControl.jar file and viewing the setting files from there. Keep in mind you can't edit them inside your .jar file.
Use UTF-8 encoding. Notepad and Wordpad on Windows are broken. Use Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code while on Windows, or Atom for Windows, Mac and other platforms.
After the installation, your ChatControl Pro folder should look like this, except for the logs/ folder which is created later.
- logs/ - A folder containing logged swears, ads, rules violation, chat communication and more.
- rules/ - A folder storing all rules for individual game parts: global (for everything), for chat, books, signs, etc..
variables/ - A folder for storing custom variables you define.
- javascript.txt - File in which you can create your own, unique variables based on Javascript.
- formatting.yml - Settings for the interactive chat formatter and chat formats.
- handlers.yml - A file containing all handlers, groups of actions that can be executed from rules.
- channels.yml - Settings for chat channels.
- messages.yml - Configuration for join/quit messages, death messages and timed announced messages.
- settings.yml - The main configuration file, see below.
This is the main configuration file. You can control all settings within this file, and it will automatically be updated when you install a newer version of this plugin.
Comments with # are removed when the file is updated. This is managed by Bukkit and nothing I can do about.
# !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
# Welcome to the main configuration of ChatControl PRO
# !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
# For support and documentation, please visit:
# - https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki
# !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
# 1) COLOR CODES are supported with the '&' character. See
# - http://minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Formatting_codes
# [!] When you use them, omit the message with " " or ' '.
# 2) TO HIDE a message, set it to 'none'.
# 3) For UNICODE CHARACTERS (smileys, symbols, ..), save the file in UTF-8 encoding. See
# - https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/Use-Right-Encoding
# 4) JSON is supported. For usage, see:
# - https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/JSON
# 5) SOUND NAMES had changed as per Minecraft 1.9, compare:
# - 1.9 and newer: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# - 1.8 and older: https://goo.gl/ArzbZA
# PS: The information above applies for all files within the ChatControl folder.
# !! Messages (e.g. 'Please wait 2 seconds [...]') are stored in localization, see:
# - https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/Localization
# !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reduce impact of spamming bots
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# How many seconds the player needs to wait before logging in again?
Rejoin: 4
# How many seconds must the player wait after login to chat?
Chat_After_Login: 1
# How many seconds must the player wait after login to run commands?
Command_After_Login: 1
# If within a given time interval there's more than specified amount of players
# who joined, and at least X amount of their last messages is equal, you can
# run specific commands to ban/kick/mute them.
# Useful to prevent bots who mass-join and spam the same messages.
# Enable this feature?
Enabled: false
# What is the amount of time we monitor for last joins?
Join_Threshold: 5 seconds
# How many players must join within the interval above for the commands below to run?
Min_Players: 5
# How many players of those above must sent the same message to the chat?
Min_Equal_Messages: 4
# If all three conditions above match, run the following commands. Replace {player} with your player name.
- "/kick {player} &4You have been kicked because your message \nmatched the message of recently joined player(s)."
# Block chat until the player has moved? They can still execute commands.
Block_Chat_Until_Moved: true
# A list of commands to block until the player has moved.
# To disable, set to: Block_Commands_Until_Moved: '[]'
- /afk
- /me
# If you have AuthMe, only display the quit message if the player was logged in?
# [TIP] To disable join message, enable 'delayJoinMessage' in AuthMe's configuration.
Show_Quit_Message_Only_If_Logged: true
# Player will be unable to place two signs with the same text.
Block_Signs_With_Same_Text: true
# Prevent inappropriate player names from entering the server. Supports regular expressions.
- '(f+(\W|\d|_)*u+(\W|\d|_)*c+(\W|\d|_)*k+(\W|\d|_)*)'
- bitch
- asshole
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prevent messages written in BIG LETTERS
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: true
Enabled_In_Commands: false
# List of commands checked for capitalization. Requires 'Enabled_In_Commands' enabled.
# [TIP] To enable anti-caps everywhere, set the list to - '/'
- /msg
- /tell
# How many warning points to give when the player triggers the filter?
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set: 'Amount: 0'
Warn_Set: spam
# You can write a valid mathematical expression here. The result will be rounded to a whole number (without decimals).
Amount: 4 * ({capsPercentage} / 2)
# Allow player names to be spelled in caps? Disable if having performance issues (especially on large servers).
Ignore_Usernames: false
Min_Message_Length: 5
Min_Caps_Percentage: 50
Min_Caps_In_A_Row: 5
# Only send warn message if the caps percentage is above this limit?
# Must be equal or higher then Min_Caps_Percentage otherwise it doesn't make sense.
Warn_If_Caps_Above_Percent: 50
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prevent flooding the chat with junk / repetitive messages
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This section applies for both commands and messages.
# Similarity check compares player's message to their last one(s),
# and prevents sending the same or similar message(s) multiple times.
# If running a non-english server, disable to improve the check.
Ignore_Special_Characters: true
Ignore_Duplicate_Characters: false
# Apply regex's for Whitelist_Similarity, Whitelist_Time and Parrot's whitelist below for both commands and messages?
Regex_In_Whitelists: false
# Anti-spam section for commands.
# How many seconds the player must wait till their next command? Set to 0 to disable.
Command_Delay: 2
# Limit how many messages the player can send within a certain time frame.
Period: 10 seconds
# By default they can send up to five messages within a ten seconds period.
Max_Commands: 8
- chatcontrol
- chc
# Warning points.
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set: 'Amount: 0'
Warn_Set: fastmessages
# The {delay} is the delay between the current and last command in seconds.
Amount: 3 - {delay}
# Block the command if it's similar to the previous one, in percent.
# Set to 0 or 100 to disable.
Similar_Percentage_Block: 80
# Warning points.
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set "Amount" to 0.
Warn_Set: spam
Amount: 4 * ({similarityPercentage} / 2)
# If enabled, *ONLY* the commands listed in the whitelist will be checked.
Whitelist_Works_Like_Blacklist: false
# Commands that the player can run them multiple times after each other.
- /tell
- /pm
- /t
- /w
- /r
- /togglepm
- /togglebroadcast
# Commands that the player is not forced to wait before executing them next time.
- /spawn
- /hello
# Commands to handle as chat.
# Includes anti-spam, rules, writer, points, anti-caps, capitalizing and punctuation.
- /me
# Anti-spam section for messages.
# How many seconds must the player wait between their next message? Set to 0 to disable.
Message_Delay: 1
# Limit how many messages the player can send within a certain time frame.
Period: 10 seconds
# By default they can send up to five messages within a ten seconds period.
Max_Messages: 8
# Warning points.
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set: 'Amount: 0'
Warn_Set: fastmessages
Amount: 3
# Block players repeating what others said.
Enabled: true
# When scanning for others' messages, only take in account messages newer than the specified period:
# [TIP] 20 ticks = 1 second
Delay: 20 ticks
# How similar must the message be (in percent from 0 to 100) to be blocked?
Minimum_Similarity: 85
# A message that starts with the following will be ignored from the similarity check.
- hello
- hey
# Warning points.
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set: 'Amount: 0'
Warn_Set: fastmessages
# The {delay} is the delay between the current and last message (in seconds)
Amount: 3 - {delay}
# Block repetitive messages if they are similar to the previous one, in percent.
# Set to 0 or 100 to disable.
Similar_Percentage_Block: 80
# Amount of previous messages to check. Increases effectiveness and preventing spam like so:
# <player> t
# <player> lol
# <player> t
# <player> lol
Similarity_Message_Check_Count: 2
# Warning points.
# [NOTICE] Only works if Points are enabled. To disable, set "Amount" to 0.
Warn_Set: spam
Amount: 4 * ({similarityPercentage} / 2)
# A message that starts with the following will be ignored from the similarity check.
- hello
- hey
# A message that starts with the following will be ignored from the delay check.
- test
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Correct player's grammar.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Punctualize every sentence (insert a dot at the end).
Enabled: true
Min_Message_Length: 5
# Capitalize sentences (make the first letter uppercased).
Enabled: true
Min_Message_Length: 5
# Lowercase the second character if accidentally misspelled (e.g. TRee -> Tree)
# The sentence must have 2+ letters, with the 1st being uppercase and only the 2nd lowercase.
Enabled: false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove all messages from the chat with the "/chc clear" command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Broadcast: true
Do_Not_Clear_For_Staff: true
# Amount of blank lines to be printed to the console.
Console_Lines: 300
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Stop people from writing to the chat with the "/chc mute" command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Broadcast: true
# If you have Essentials installed, the actions below will apply to players muted from there as well.
Apply_Limits_For_Essentials_Mute: true
# Deny following actions while the chat is muted.
Writing_Books: false
Placing_Signs: true
# Hide the following messages while the chat is muted.
Join_Messages: true
Quit_Messages: true
Death_Messages: true
- /me
- /tell
- /msg
- /r
- /w
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Apply chat rules differently for new players on your server.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# How much time must a player spend on the server to no longer be considered as a newcomer?
# Set to 0 minutes to disable
Threshold: 0 minutes
# In which worlds should we enable this feature? Useful when you have a newbie world.
# Example: [survival, nether, end]. Set to ["*"] to enable in all worlds.
Worlds: ["*"]
# How much should we multiply the basic warning points from anywhere else in the plugin?
# Set to 2.0 for example to double.
Warn_Points_Multiplier: 1.0
# Block newcomers from chatting ?
Enabled: true
# What messages should we allow anyways? Case-insensitive. Split by ", ". Example: [quit, end]
Whitelist: []
# Prevent newcomers from seeing chat messages?
Enabled: true
# Prevent newcomers from using commands?
Enabled: true
# Reverse the functionality of the Whitelist?
Blacklist: false
# What commands to allow anyways?
# If Blacklist is enabled, only the commands here will be blocked.
- /login
- /l
- /register
- /reg
- /helpop
- /help
- /?
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Announce important messages with the "/chc announce" command.
# You can customize the format in localization.
# TIP: Use {receiver} variable in the message to replace it to each player's name!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bungee: true
Ignore_Self: false
Log_To_Console: true
# Usage: <bukkitSoundName>, <volume>, <pitch>
# For Minecraft 1.8.8 and older, it is recommended to use 'SUCCESSFUL_HIT'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Let staff communicate together with the "/chc ach" command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bungee: true
Log_To_Console: true
# Write to logs/admin-chat.txt ?
Write_To_File: true
# Send a normal message directly to admin chat if it begins with the letter below
# Set to none to disable
Shortcut: "none"
# Integration with DiscordSRV
# The channel name on your Discord server that will receive admin messages.
# Set "none" or leave empty to disable.
Discord_Channel: "admin"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Send messages over Bungee with the "/chc bungeechat" or "/chc bc" command.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable bungee chat for players after login automatically. They can turn it off with '/chc g switch'
Enabled_By_Default: false
Log_To_Console: true
# Write to logs/bungee-chat.txt ?
Write_To_File: true
# Send a normal message directly to bungee chat if it begins with the letter below
# Set to none to disable. Pay attention that your Range shortcut in formatting.yml is not set the same
Shortcut: "!"
# Integration with DiscordSRV
# The channel name on your Discord server that will receive global messages.
# Set "none" or leave empty to disable.
Discord_Channel: "global"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private messages allow you to secretly message another player without everyone else seeing.
# There are currently following commands: /tell and /reply
# [NOTICE] If disabled, you can still use commands with the same label from other plugins/server.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
Bungee: false
# Prevent from private messaging yourself?
Deny_Message_Self: false
# When you send a message, register the receiver to your /reply ?
Register_Reply_To_Self: true
# Set yourself as the last replier of the player to whom you send your message? They can
# then message you back with simply typing /r instead of /tell <yourname> <message>.
Register_Reply_To_Receiver: true
# If you are sending PM's, and someone new messages you, how long you must stop chatting before
# someone else messages you and your /reply command would get updated?
Reply_Change_Timeout: 3 seconds
# Ignore vanished players and support nicknames? May impose a performance penalty.
Deep_Search: true
# Send message as an advancement (requires Minecraft 1.12)
# NB! This may show in your timings because advancements (Toasts) must be handled on the main thread.
Enabled: false
# The variable {dynamic_spaces} will fill up the rest of the first row in the notification.
Format: "&6[{sender} &8-> &6you]{dynamic_spaces}&7{message}"
# Automatically put a player into conversation mode when he types Prefix + a player's name, for example "@kangarko" in the chat?
Enabled: true
# Start the conversation mode automatically when you just type /tell <player> without sending a message?
Start_For_Empty_Tell_Command: false
# The prefix required to start the conversation mode.
Prefix: "@"
# Exit this conversation mode by typing the phrase below in the chat.
End: "exit"
# The first alias is the main label, that must be set!
Tell: [tell, msg, whisper]
Reply: [reply, r]
TogglePM: [togglepm, ignorepm]
# You can configure the formats in formatting.yml file.
Format_Sender: Private_Message_Sender
Format_Receiver: Private_Message_Receiver
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ability to ignore timed broadcasts.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
Aliases: [togglebroadcast, togglebc, toggletm]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ability to ignore chat and private messages from certain players.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: true
# Please do not remove the first alias, as this is the main command label.
Aliases: [ignore, ign]
# Hide chat messages from ignored players?
Chat: true
# Do not receive private messages from ignored people?
Private_Messages: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# A /me is a simple command allowing you to broadcast your message in a different way then chat.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: true
# Please do not remove the first alias, as this is the main command label.
Aliases: [me, shout, status]
# Send to bungee?
Bungee: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Features involving packets that require ProtocolLib.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable all features that require ProtocolLib
# e.g. packet rules, tab complete
Enabled: true
# To prevent a server crash exploit with special characters being written to books, we can remove
# all non-latin characters from books (except for Cyrillic). Colors are allowed, diacritics only replaced.
# Requires Minecraft 1.13.2 or greater.
Replace_Unicode_In_Books: false
# Prevent using TAB to complete a message. Tab completing may reveal server information.
# Should we remove vanished players in tab completions?
Enabled: true
# Maximum amount of tab completions to review. Since we must lookup the player in each
# tab completion part, this can be resource demanding. Oversized completions won't be checked.
Maximum_Length: 20
# Enable tab-blocking functionality
Enabled: false
# Only control tab-complete in commands?
Only_In_Commands: true
# Allow if the message contains the specified amount of arguments or more?
# One argument usually equals to one space ' ' (example: /channel mute kangarko has 2 spaces = 2 arguments)
Require_Arguments: 1
# Allow when the message length is above a certain limit.
# Not recommended as it might still reveal your server setup.
# Set to -1 to disable.
Require_Length: -1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Most popular feature of ChatControl: Rules are user-defined filters that catch messages
# based on regular expressions. See "rules/" folder for configuration and examples.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print the 'Rule match [...]' and messages about warning points into the console?
# You can hide rules from appearing individually with "dont verbose" operator.
Verbose: true
# Broadcast warning messages from rules and handlers to BungeeCord?
Bungee: true
# Check chat with rules/rules.txt file and rules/chat.txt file?
Chat: true
# Check commands with rules/rules.txt file and rules/commands.txt file?
Commands: true
# Check messages against rules/packets.txt? Can catch messages from server itself, or even other plugins.
# Requires ProtocolLib.
Packets: true
# Check signs with rules/rules.txt file and rules/signs.txt file?
Check: true
# Prevent the sign creation?
Block: true
# Drop as an item?
Drop: true
# Check books when signed, with rules/rules.txt file and rules/books.txt file?
Check: true
# If true, the banned title of the book will get its name changed by the rule (for example: Fuck book -> **** book)
# If false, player will be disallowed to create the book completely.
Replace: true
# Check the name of items renamed by anvil with rules/rules.txt file and rules/items.txt file?
Check: true
# If true, the banned item will get its name changed by the rule (for example: Fuck sword -> **** sword)
# If false, player will be disallowed to create the item completely.
Replace: true
# Let players choose which messages (caught be a rule) they want to see.
# Read more at https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl/wiki
Enabled: false
# You have to create a set here (just a section) to be able to ignore it. Create as many as you want.
# You can limit sets that can be toggled by giving 'chatcontrol.ignoreset.<setName>' permission.
# This is an example set where all possible settings are used (currently just one).
# Players with 'chatcontrol.ignoreset.swearings' permission can toggle this set for themselves.
# You do not need to specify any parameters, at all.
# Do not ignore by default. Player has to use "/chc ignore swearings" to make it effective for them.
# Default value: false
Ignored_By_Default: false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove unwanted messages from the console.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
# Apply the console filter for messages sent via System.out.println ?
# Set to false if your chat messages are not logged to the console anymore.
Filter_System_Out: false
# Save messages that were caught and hidden to logs/console.txt?
Log: false
# Remove certain messages from console.
# Does not need to be whole message, just a part of the message you want to block.
- Reached end of stream for
- Connection reset
# The following is commented out as it causes issues with Multicraft.
# If you don't use Multicraft you can comment them out to lower console spam.
#- UUID of player
#- lost connection
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Play a sound to a player that has been mentioned.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: true
# The time before they player will receive sound notify again.
Cooldown: 10 seconds
# Only notify if the player is afk? Requires Essentials.
Require_Afk: false
# Only notify when player's name in the chat starts with the specific character.
# Example: 'Hello @kangarko, are you there?'
# Set to 'none' to always allow.
Require_Prefix: '@'
# Format: bukkit_sound_name, volume (float), pitch (float)
# If you are on MC 1.8.x or older, the default sound name was 'CHICKEN_EGG_POP'
# Highlight the name of the notified player. Set to none to disable.
# You can create individual colors by using Sound_Notify_Color key in Groups (see above).
Color: '&a'
# If you have Sound_Notify_Key in Groups (see above) and this option is enabled,
# the notify color will be applied according to the sender's group, and not receivers.
Use_Sender_Group_Color: false
- /msg
- /tell
- /t
- /w
- /r
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set different settings from this file for people with certain permissions.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
# The group list. You can add, edit or remove existing groups here.
# For tutorial, read https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/Groups
Message_Delay: 0
Command_Delay: 0
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Give player warning points for violating rules/actions.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
# Should player only get ONE warning (the one from warning set) and not both from rules and warning sets.
# Only applies if the action in the warning set has "warn" operator.
Smart_Warnings: true
# Players will not loose their warning points when you reload or shut down the server so
# you can use the reset task to subtract their points:
# The delay between taking points (in seconds). Set 0 to only reset points on plugin or server reload.
Repeat_Every_Seconds: 20
# How much points to take from different sets. If you do not specify a set, no points will be taken from it.
global: 5
spam: 1
# To punish the player in different ways for doing a specific thing, you can create multiple warning sets.
# If the player more more points then more actions, only the last relevant action will be executed.
# [NOTICE] This is a special set. Unless removed, all points will go there if you do not specify the set name.
# example: you don't need to write "then points global 5", but just "then points 5" (in rules)
# Specify the commands to execute if the player reaches a specific points threshold.
# Use operator "warn" to send the message directly to the player, otherwise, run commands as the console.
# Use operator "bungeeconsole" to send commands to BungeeCord directly.
- "warn &7Please obey the &2rules &7otherwise you will be &4punished&7."
#- "bungeeconsole tell {player} &cYou have been warned for not respecting the server rules."
- "warn &c**** &lHey &c{player} ****\n &7-> &cThis is your &6final &cwarning!"
#- "mute {player} 5m Do not observing warnings" # Only works if you have a mute plugin
- "kick {player} &cKicked for breaking the rules"
- "warn &cYou have received first warning for swearing."
- "warn &cPlease do not swear, otherwise an action will be taken!"
- "kick {player} &cInappropriate language (last warning)"
# - "tempban {player} 30m autoban for swearing" # This requires compatible third party plugin installed
- "warn &cPlease do not act like spammer."
- "warn &cPlease do not spam, otherwise you will be banned."
- "kick {player} &cSpamming the chat (last warning)"
# - "tempban {player} 10m autoban for chat spam" # This requires compatible third party plugin installed
- "warn &cPlease slow down chat messages."
- "warn &cSlow down chat, otherwise you will be banned."
- "kick {player} &cSlow down chat (last warning)"
# - "tempban {player} 10m autoban for chat spam" # This requires compatible third party plugin installed
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save chat communication to see what happened in chat while you were offline.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Write chat messages to logs/chat.txt?
Enabled: true
- ignoredAdmin
# Commands that will be saved along with the chat messages. To log all, set Write_Commands: ['']
- /me
- /msg
- /m
- /tell
- /t
- /reply
- /r
- /mail
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Welcome players to the server with a Message of The Day
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: false
# How long to wait before displaying after login? Used to avoid covering by other messages.
Delay_Ticks: 2
# Command aliases. The first one is the main label, please do not remove it!
Command_Aliases: [motd, welcome]
# Sound to play. Format: <bukkitSoundName>, <volume>, <pitch>
# Below it's just an example of the message you can send to players when they log in.
# Start a line with <center> to automatically center it.
- '&8*--------------------------------------------------*'
- '&fHello {player}, we kindly welcome you to &e{server_name}&f and wish you great experience :)'
- ''
- '&6Version: &f{nms_version}'
- '&6Changelog:'
- ' &7- &fAdded ChatControl Pro plugin'
- ''
- '&6Help &7- &f/help &6Settings &7- &f/menu &6Web &7- &f/web'
- '&8*--------------------------------------------------*'
# This message is sent when a player joins for the first time. It has the same format as Message above.
# Leave to [] to send the same message as above.
Message_First_Time: []
# This message is sent when a player played under a specified threshold on the server.
# See Newcomer.Threshold section here.
# Leave to [] to send the same message as above.
Message_Newcomer: []
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure the properties of the color menu
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Title: "Chat Color & Decoration"
# Materials used for the icons.
# For names, see https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html
No_Permission: BARRIER
Reset_Decoration: WHITE_CARPET
Reset_All: FEATHER
# For these two below, only use materials that can be dyed! Just start with WHITE_ and the color
# will be applied automatically due to .. magic!
Decoration: WHITE_CARPET
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Spying allows to see others' commands, including content of private messages.
# [TIP] Give staff chatcontrol.spy.autoenable permission to auto enable spy on join.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enabled: true
# Broadcast commands that are spied to other servers? Also toggles whether this server
# receives spy messages?
Bungee: true
# Command aliases. The first one is the main label, please do not remove it!
Command_Aliases: [spy, socialspy]
Format: "&8[&5spy&8] &7{player}: &7{message}"
Format_PM: "&8[&5spy&8] &7[{player}] -> [{receiver}]: &7{message}"
Format_Sign: "&8SPY: &7 [{location}] {player} placed a sign: [&8{text}&7]"
Format_TownyChat: "&8[&5spy&8] &7[{townychat_channel}] &7{player}: &7{message}"
# What prefix should we display when you receive a channel message from a channel you're spying?
# Requires channels enabled in channels.yml
Channel_Prefix: "&8[&5spy&8] "
# If true, ALL commands except for those listed below shall be monitored. NOT recommended.
# If false, ONLY commands below are to be monitored.
Command_List_Works_Like_Blacklist: false
# Spy on mcMMO party chat? Requires the plugin mcMMO.
McMMO: true
# Same as McMMO option but print the messages to the console?
Log_McMMO: false
# Spy on books ?
Books: true
# Spy on signs ?
Signs: false
- /tell
- /msg
- /t
- /whisper
- /r
- /reply
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Integration with BungeeCord
# You need BungeeControl on your bungee network. (https://spigotmc.org/resources/13079)
# NB! Make sure to change your Bungee_Server_Name key, see below!
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable the global bungee integration? To enable bungee in various settings, search for "Bungee"
# key in that configuration setion.
Enabled: false
# The prefix used in front of all messages coming from other servers.
Prefix: "&8[&5Bungee/{server_name}&8] &7"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# MySQL connection allows to store same information over multiple servers.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Save players' data to the database when they exit the server and load them on join?
Enabled: false
# Enable if using BungeeCord and having out-of-sync issues.
# If false, mysql is only updated when players quit and join.
# If true, mysql is saved each time player updates their option (e.g. /ignore list)
Aggressive: false
# Warning: Never change those on a live server. Do not reload, always restart.
Host: 'localhost'
Database: 'minecraft'
Port: '3306'
User: ''
Password: ''
# Note: There is no automatic update, when changed.
Table_Prefix: 'ChatControl_'
# For very advanced users, you may customize the connector syntax to MySQL here.
# If you have problems loading the plugin remove the "&useSSL=false" part
Connector_Advanced: "jdbc:mysql://{host}:{port}/{database}?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Advanced: Affects the order in which we format and check the chat. No need to touch.
# Read https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/Listener-Priorities for more information.
# Plugins which may require changing priority of Formatter: FactionsChat, BanManager and WorldGuard.
# You need to find the correct combination for your server yourself.
# NB! *Restart or /reload after each change, /chc reload cannot change those!*
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Antispam, anticaps, rules and other checks.
Checker: NORMAL
# Format the message or send it to a channel.
# MUST come after the checker to prevent your messages from being changed
# before we check for swears. Also prevents duplicate messages.
Formatter: HIGH
# Used for checking signs and blocking them if they match a rule.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# What commands should trigger the chatcontrol menu (separated by a comma ,)?
# If you have ChestCommands or another plugin with same commands, simply remove or rename ours.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Command_Aliases: [chatcontrol, chc, cc]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Currently available: en (English), de (German), sk (Slovak), cz (Czech), es (Spanish), pt (Portugese), it (Italian)
# hu (Hungarian), fr (French), nl (Dutch), cn (Chinese), dk (Danish), pl (Polish), ru (Russian)
# and tr (Turkish)
# Read https://github.com/kangarko/ChatControl-Pro/wiki/Localization for tutorial on custom localization.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Locale: en
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can change the prefix in front of chat or console messages here:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prefix: "&8[&3ChatControl&8]&7 "
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The server name used in {server_name} variable. You need to edit this :)
# Colors are supported.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Server_Name: "My ChatControl Server"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The unique identifier of your server. This must be the same to the one you have in the
# config.yml file of your BungeeCord otherwise cross-server communication will not work!
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bungee_Server_Name: "undefined"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Handle characters with accents internally as without the accents (e.g. รก goes to a)?
# Makes rules and anti-spam more effective on non-english servers.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Translate_Diacritical_Marks: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clear data.db for players that had not logged in for longer period that that.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear_Data_If_Inactive: 30 days
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prevent regular expressions freezing the server if they take more time than specified (in milliseconds).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regex_Timeout_Milis: 100
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove colors from checked messages to prevent bypasses of rules.
# Disable if you wish to retain colors in the message after it's replaced by a rule.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regex_Strip_Colors: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Match your rules against the entire unicode character range also outside the standard
# English alphabet? Leave on true when running a Russian, Chinese, Arabic server etc. for
# your rules to work.
# Disable if your server uses the English language to skip unnecessary matching and
# improve performance.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Regex_Unicode: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Time of some plugin's operations is measured. Print a message to the console if they take
# over the specified amount of time in milliseconds. Set to -1 to disable.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Log_Lag_Over_Milis: 100
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Make the startup messages less intrusive. Disable if having issues.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Silent_Startup: false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin saves player data, such as their last message or command for anti-spam to use.
# Enable for better performance (in Lobbies where lots of players join/quit).
# Breaks anti-bot.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reset_Cache_On_Quit: false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set to true if the \n operator does not work for you.
# Before that, please ensure you've saved the file in an encoding that supports new line operator (usually UTF-8).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enforce_New_Line: false
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notifies about new versions.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notify_Updates: true
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Support the developer of this plugin to allow occasional promotional messages ?
# I promise to keep it low key and only display it once a day at maximum.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Notify_Promotions: true
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Print more informative messages about the plugin and its features?
# You normally don't need to edit this unless you have problems or been navigated by the dev.
# Specify sections to debug. Current possible: pm (private messages)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debug: []
# Internal serialization number, do not change!
Serialization: ""
# Do not change this value, otherwise it will corrupt your plugin installation!
Version: 24
© MineAcademy | Code Unique Minecraft Plugins & Servers In 20 Days
Free version
- Channels
- Formatting
- Rules / Filters
- Handlers
- Groups
- Discord
- Toggle ignoring swears
- Variables
- JavaScript Variables
Solving Issues