Library Management System written in Python, PyQt5 and MySQL
- Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language.
- Python can be used in database applications.
- PyQt5 is a module that can be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUI).
- PyQt5 is one of the best frameworks for developing desktop application.
- MySQL is one of the most common open source databases for storing Python web applications' data.
The Library Management System will have the following listed features:
- Book Catalogue Management
- Book Categories Management
- Book Publishers Management
- Users Management
- Client Management
- Books transactions [Rent/Retreive] Management
- Data export in the forms of Excel sheets
- Book Catalogue Management
- Add new Book
- Edit new Book
- Delete new Book
- Book Catagories Management
- Add new Category
- Delete new Category
- Edit new Category
- Search
- Search book, author, publisher, client and username
- Users Managment
- Ability to create, edit and remove user
- Book Transactions
- Ability to rent and retreive back books
- Book Author Management
- Add new Author
- Edit new Author
- Delete new Author
- Book Publisher Management
- Add new Publisher
- Edit new Publisher
- Delete new Publisher