This repository is the official implementation of the paper - "PatchGame: Learning to SignalMid-level Patches in Referential Games"
We recommend using anaconda
or miniconda
for python. Our code has been tested with python=3.8
on linux.
To create a new environment with conda
conda create -n patchgame python=3.8
conda activate patchgame
We recommend installing the latest pytorch and torchvision packages You can install them using
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
Make sure the following requirements are met
- torch>=1.8.1
- torchvision>=0.9.1
Note we only tried installing torchsort with following cuda==10.2.89
and gcc==6.3.0
export TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST="Pascal;Volta;Turing"
unzip && cd torchsort
python install --user
cd .. && rm -rf torchsort
We use ImageNet-1k (ILSVRC2012) data in all our experiments. Please download and save the data from the official website.
To train the model(s) in the paper on 1-8 GPUs, run this command (where nproc_per_node
is the number of gpus):
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 \
--data_path /patch/to/imagenet/dir/train \
--output_dir /path/to/checkpoint/dir \
--patch_size 32 --epochs 100
You can download pretrained models here trained on ImageNet using parameters using above command (and default hyperparameters).
python --patch-model mymodel.pth --data-path <path to dataset> --topk <no. of patches to use>
This achieves the following accuracy on ImageNet.
Model name | Top 1 Accuracy | Top 5 Accuracy |
PatchGame(S=32, topk=75, size=384x384) | 58.4% | 80.9% |
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 \
--pretrained_weights /path/to/checkpoint/dir/checkpoint.pth \
--arch resnet18 --nb_knn 20 \
--batch_size_per_gpu 1024 --use_cuda 0 \
--data_path /patch/to/imagenet/dir
This achieves the following accuracy on ImageNet
Model name | Top 1 Accuracy | Top 5 Accuracy |
PatchGame(S=32) | 30.3% | 49.9% |
We would like to thank several public repos from where we borrowed various utilities
This repository is released under the Apache 2.0 license as found in the LICENSE file.