picture-number association task scripted in PsychoPy (python)
- config_files_v2, data, stims directories must be in the same directory as AL_v2*.py
- config_files_v2: csv files that includes pre-generated stimulus/trial sequence (controlled for stimuli & randomized for each session and subject)
- stims: select images from BOSS.
- Images are not uploaded here - available upon request
- Image stimuli are selected from Bank of Standardized Stimuli (BOSS) - Brodeur et al., 2010; 2014
- Selection criteria
- familiarity (objects rated high as DKO or DKN are excluded)
- feature vector availability
- Stimulis-response mapping was counterbalanced for semantic similarity using feature vectors (Devereux et al., 2014, https://cslb.psychol.cam.ac.uk/propnorms)
- Download the whole MazeGame folder in your experiment directory (the directory where you keep experiment codes and run the codes from).
- Kamin Kim