I'm an enthusiastic and passionate developer with a keen a interest and expertise in web app development,
committed to advancing my skills as a software developer and focused and elevating my career in the tech industry.
Am persitent, resilient, committed and love challenging myself to keep learning and finding solutions to problems and devoted to building robust,
scalable, and secure applications. Looking to collaborate on any kind of projects and open to new opportunities.
- Languages: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, HTML/CSS, C/C++.
- Frameworks/Tech: Laravel, Angular, vue.js, Bootstrap, jquery, Node.js, Express, bulma, Restful APIs, composer, Unit Testing, Json, XML.
- Database: MySQL, MongoDB.
🔭 I’m currently working on related projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Angular.js, TypeScript
💬 Ask me about PHP, Javascript
📫 How to reach me kalukav55@gmail.com, please feel free to reach out for collaborations or inquiries