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Cmm Documentation

Ghazal Kalhor edited this page Mar 11, 2022 · 7 revisions

C-- is a general-purpose, procedural programming language like C.

There is a main function in this language that executes at first.

Codes of this language are in a file with the .cmm suffix.

General Structure

A program in C-- language contains these parts :

  • Struct Declarations
  • Function Declarations
  • main Declaration

A simple C-- program is like this :

struct Student begin
    int grade
    bool pass

bool check_pass(struct Student std)
    return std.pass

main() begin
    struct Student std;

Syntactic Rules

  • This language is case sensitive.
  • tab and space doesn't change​ the ​output of the ​program.


C-- has two primitive types :

  • int
  • bool

Moreover, C-- has list and fptr types.


There are 4 types of operators in C--.

Calculating Operators

All of these operators used on numbers. If we assume A=20 and B=10 we have something like this :

Example Description Associative Operator
A + B = 30 Add Left +
A - B = 10 Sub Left -
A * B = 200 Mult Left -
A/B = 2 B/A = 0 Div Left /
-A=-20 Minus Right -

Comparison Operators

These operators compare two value and their output is true or false

Example Description Associative Operator
(A == B) = false Equal Left ==
(A < B) = false Less Than Left <
(A > 20) = true Greater Than Left >

Logical Operators

Logical operators just can applied on bool values.

Example Description Associative Operator
(A & B) = false Logical And Left &
(A | B) = true Logical Or Left |
~A = false Logical Not Right ~

Assign Operator