ArrestDB is a "plug-n-play" RESTful API for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
ArrestDB provides a REST API that maps directly to your database stucture with no configuation.
Lets suppose you have set up ArrestDB at http://api.example.com/
and that your database has a table named customers
To get a list of all the customers in the table you would simply need to do:
GET http://api.example.com/customers/
GET http://api.example.com/customers (optional without /)
As a response, you would get a JSON formatted list of customers.
Or, if you only want to get one customer, then you would append the customer id
to the URL:
GET http://api.example.com/customers/123/
GET http://api.example.com/customers(123) (OData compatibility)
If you want to load a customer and all purchases and the products in each purchase, also user info
GET http://api.example.com/customers/123/?extends=purchases,purchases/products,usser
GET http://api.example.com/customers/(123)?extends=purchases,purchases/products,usser OData compatibility)
- PHP 5.4+ & PDO
- SQLite / MySQL / PostgreSQL
If you're using Apache, you can use the following mod_rewrite
rules in a .htaccess
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]
Nota bene: You must access the file directly, including it from another file won't work.
If you are using nginx try this:
server {
listen 80;
server_name myDomain.es *.myDomain.es;
root /var/www/;
try_files $uri /index.php?$args;
location /index.php {
fastcgi_connect_timeout 3s; # default of 60s is just too long
fastcgi_read_timeout 10s; # default of 60s is just too long
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
Rename config-example.php
to config.php
and change the $dsn
variable located at the top, here are some examples:
- SQLite:
$dsn = 'sqlite://./path/to/database.sqlite';
- MySQL:
$dsn = 'mysql://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/db/;
- PostgreSQL:
$dsn = 'pgsql://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/db/;
After you're done editing the file, place it in a public directory (feel free to change the filename).
If you want to restrict access to allow only specific IP addresses, add them to the $clients
$clients = array
If your API must be in a subdirectory you can add $prefix
variable. For instance, if your api is in http://www.example.com/api
To allow any origin active $allowAnyOrigin
in config file
To enable Access-Control headers are received during OPTIONS requests add enableOptionsRequest
in config file
If your want to use extends
option you must define $relations
variable. For instance, in this case we want when get a customer o a list of customers obtain also:
- user (object)
- all purchases (array)
- all products in this purchase
|PurchaseProduct| +-------+
|- id | |Product|
|- product_id | ...... |- id |
..|- purchase_id | +-------+
| |- quantity |
| +---------------+
| +-------------+
| |Purchase | +---------+
..|- id | |Customer | +----+
|- customer_id|--------------|- id | |User|
+-------------+ |- user_id|---------------- |- id|
+---------+ +----+
The relations config must be:
- type : kind of relation (a customer has multiple purchases, a customer only have a user)
- ftable : Table related with (Customer table are related with User and with Purchase)
- fkey (optional, "id" by default) : key name in foreign table
- key (optional, "id" by default) : key name in current table.
To allow access to table and id you can create "ArrestDB_allow" function that controls if a table($id) can be loaded. Returns a boolean, if it returns false, a Forbidden (403) is returned.
Method can be:
- GET, POST, PUT and DELETE : Are direct API Calls
- GET_INTERNAL : Is an internal get for extends
In example case, list all Users is not allowed in direct api query but all extends access are allowed
function ArrestDB_allow($method,$table,$id){
if ($method=="GET_INTERNAL")
return true;
if ($table=="User" && $id=="")
return false;
return true;
Note: If you are using "extends", this works for each level.
You can ofuscate Ids
In this case, a global User with id field exists. The key for encription is a concat of an standard key, the table name and the user id. It prevent than:
- Use the same obfuscated id in different tables
- Use the same obfuscated id by different users
function ArrestDB_obfuscate_id($table,$id,$reverse){
global $user;
if ($reverse){
$id=base64_decode(strtr($id, '-_,', '+/='));
return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key.$table.$user["id"], $id, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB));
$res=mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $key.$table.$user["id"], trim($id), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);
return strtr(base64_encode($res), '+/=', '-_,');
To change query parameters you can create "ArrestDB_modify_query" function. "$query" parameter is an array with this sections:
- $query["SELECT"] : Select parameters, by default "*"
- $query["TABLE"] : Query table, by default $table
- $query["WHERE"] : Is an other array with all AND conditions.
Other sections are "ORDER BY", "LIMIT", "OFFSET".
Must return the "$query" array
//In this case only allows objects with "deleted=0"
function ArrestDB_modify_query($method,$table,$id,$query){
return $query;
Note: If you are using "extends", this works for each level.
To post process the result you can create "ArrestDB_postProcess". "$data" parameter is an array with result. Function can modify this and must return back.
function ArrestDB_postProcess($method,$table,$id,$data){
if ($table=="User"){
if (isset($data[0]))
foreach ($data as $k=>$item)
return $data;
Note: If you are using "extends", this works for each level
You can add auth access control creating function "ArrestDB_auth". This function returns true when auth is ok, and false or exit when it fails.
This is an example using BASIC AUTH and User table to check auth.
function ArrestDB_auth(){
global $user;
if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])||!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My Realm"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
echo 'Invalid Auth';
} else {
if (count($result)==0){
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="My Realm"');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
echo 'Invalid Auth';
return true;
You can create views or complex queries using table alias without any query parameters in GET request. In this case you can create alias tables that extends functionality. You probably will use "ArrestDB_tableAlias($table)" with "ArrestDB_modify_query"
Note: you can do the same with views, but in some cases this method are more powerful.
These cases receive real table or the table referred by alias
- ArrestDB_obfuscate_id : table parameter are the real table
- Table of query
- __table attribute of result objects
In this example, we have been created a virtual view of "Purchase" to refer these purchased that are paid. The name will be "PurchasePaid"
function ArrestDB_tableAlias($table){
if ($table=="PurchasePaid")
return "Purchase"
return $table;
function ArrestDB_modify_query($method,$table,$id,$query){
if ($table=="PurchasePaid")
return $query;
##API Design
The actual API design is very straightforward and follows the design patterns of the majority of APIs.
(C)reate > POST /table
(R)ead > GET /table[/id]
(R)ead > GET /table[/column/content]
(U)pdate > PUT /table/id
(D)elete > DELETE /table/id
To put this into practice below are some example of how you would use the ArrestDB API:
# Get all rows from the "customers" table
GET http://api.example.com/customers/
# Get a single row from the "customers" table (where "123" is the ID)
GET http://api.example.com/customers/123/
GET http://api.example.com/customers(123)
# Get all rows from the "customers" table where the "country" field matches "Australia" (`LIKE`)
GET http://api.example.com/customers/country/Australia/
# Get 50 rows from the "customers" table
GET http://api.example.com/customers/?limit=50
# Get 50 rows from the "customers" table ordered by the "date" field
GET http://api.example.com/customers/?limit=50&by=date&order=desc
# Create a new row in the "customers" table where the POST data corresponds to the database fields
POST http://api.example.com/customers/
# Update customer "123" in the "customers" table where the PUT data corresponds to the database fields
PUT http://api.example.com/customers/123/
# Delete customer "123" from the "customers" table
DELETE http://api.example.com/customers/123/
Please note that GET
calls accept the following query string variables:
(column to order by)order
(order direction:ASC
SQL clause)offset
SQL clause)
(load related objects)
Additionally, POST
and PUT
requests accept JSON-encoded and/or zlib-compressed payloads.
requests are only able to parse data encoded inapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
. Support formultipart/form-data
payloads will be added in the future.
If your client does not support certain methods, you can use the X-HTTP-Method-Override
+X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
+X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE
Alternatively, you can also override the HTTP method by using the _method
query string parameter.
Since 1.5.0, it's also possible to atomically INSERT
a batch of records by POSTing an array of arrays.
All responses are in the JSON format. A GET
response from the customers
table might look like this:
"id": "114",
"customerName": "Australian Collectors, Co.",
"contactLastName": "Ferguson",
"contactFirstName": "Peter",
"phone": "123456",
"addressLine1": "636 St Kilda Road",
"addressLine2": "Level 3",
"city": "Melbourne",
"state": "Victoria",
"postalCode": "3004",
"country": "Australia",
"salesRepEmployeeNumber": "1611",
"creditLimit": "117300"
Successful POST
responses will look like:
"success": {
"code": 201,
"status": "Created"
Successful PUT
responses will look like:
"success": {
"code": 200,
"status": "OK"
Errors are expressed in the format:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"status": "Bad Request"
The following codes and message are avaiable:
No Content400
Bad Request403
Not Found409
Service Unavailable
Also, if the callback
query string is set and is valid, the returned result will be a JSON-P response:
Ajax-like requests will be minified, whereas normal browser requests will be human-readable.
- 1.2.0
support for JSON payloads inPOST
(optionally gzipped) - 1.3.0
support for JSON-P responses - 1.4.0
support for HTTP method overrides using theX-HTTP-Method-Override
header - 1.5.0
support for bulk inserts inPOST
- 1.6.0
added support for PostgreSQL - 1.7.0
fixed PostgreSQL connection bug, other minor improvements - 1.8.0
fixed POST / PUT bug introduced in 1.5.0 - 1.9.0
updated to PHP 5.4 short array syntax - 1.10.0
Config file & prefix & nginx suport - 1.11.0
Extends param - 1.12.0
Allow access, Query modifications and Result modifications callback - 1.13.0
Auth & GET_INTERNAL method - 1.14.0
Obfuscated id & not number id allow - 1.15.0
Table aliases, url combinations with and without / fixed - 1.16.0 POST Query modifications & IDs of new created objects in result
- 1.16.1 FIXED Get problems
- 1.17.0 OData get compatibility
ArrestDB is a complete rewrite of Arrest-MySQL with several optimizations and additional features.
##License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2014 Alix Axel (alix.axel+github@gmail.com).
Contributions, Ivan Lausuch ilausuch@gmail.com