I was going to create a PaaS that would host projects made with Lift web framework. At first, it was a private repository on GitHub, but I made it public since I became too busy to keep on developping it.
I hope this will be of some interest of some people. Any comments/feedback would be appreciated.
See the slides on SlideShare.
I use CentOS 5.3.
'lifthub' and 'lifthubuser' are necessary for the system.
The management application, which runs on port 8080, runs under 'lifthub' privilege. This user also does the following.
- Set up a project
- Copy a Lift template project (included in the Lift tarball).
- Add some config files.
- Access the git repository and gitosis
- Invoke sbt
- sbt update
- sbt package
- Create/delete databases
- Create a config file for nginx
'lifthubuser' does the following.
- Start jetty instances for user apps by calling a shell script.
- Stop those instances using the jar file that comes with the jetty package.
See my blog entry
$ sudo yum install gitosis
lifthub$ ssh-keygen
Add the public key of 'lifthub' to gitosis-admin.
lifthub$ git clone gitosis@localhost:gitosis-admin.gitt
Now the gitosis.conf looks like the following.
[group gitosis-admin]
writable = gitosis-admin
members = kashima@localhost.localdomain lifthub@localhost.localdomain
[lifthub@localhost ~]$ LANG=C ls -l
total 28
drwxrwxr-x 5 lifthub lifthub 4096 Feb 27 17:57 gitosis-admin
drwxrwxr-x 8 lifthub lifthub 4096 Mar 3 02:27 lifthub-sbt
drwxrwxr-x 4 lifthub lifthub 4096 Feb 17 21:17 nginx
drwxrwxr-x 3 lifthub lifthub 4096 Jan 17 00:46 projecttemplates
drwxrwxr-x 2 lifthub lifthub 4096 Mar 2 16:26 sbin
drwxrwxr-x 4 lifthub lifthub 4096 Mar 2 16:58 userprojects
[lifthubuser@localhost ~]$ LANG=C ls -l
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Mar 2 16:58 chroot
drwxrwxr-x 11 root root 4096 Mar 1 14:22 jail-template
drwxrwxr-x 8 lifthubuser lifthubuser 4096 Feb 24 12:18 lifthub-sbt
drwxrwxr-x 2 lifthubuser lifthubuser 4096 Mar 2 16:19 sbin
drwxrwxr-x 4 lifthubuser lifthubuser 4096 Feb 25 15:01 servers
I'll upload necessary files somewhere.
Add the following entries.
lifthub localhost = NOPASSWD:/home/lifthub/sbin/*
lifthubuser localhost = NOPASSWD:/home/lifthubuser/sbin/*
nginx is used as a reverse proxy. You don't really need it for testing.
$ sudo yum install nginx
The RPM might not work. See my blog post
Create directories for the system.
lifthub$ mkdir ~/nginx/{conf.d,logs}
I'm new to github. Maybe I should use the wiki and issue tracker?
- to be addressed before beta
- Fix the conflict issue with 'git pull' (deleting all the files and git clone every time should be enough).
- Make git operations thread safe.
- Random password generation when sending an invitation mail.
- Page for viewing log files.
- Restrict project names. e.g. 'www' and some other names shouldn't be used.
- enhancements etc.
- Add options for databases and components, including PostgreSQL and MongoDB.
- Offer phpMyAdmin to end users.
- Some design work (now it uses the default template as you see).
- Payment??
- Assign dedicated server instances to priority users.
(not finished yet)