This small web application is "inspired" by Bijo-Linux, which shows a girl's photo with a Linux command, which (I believe) changes every day. After you login with your Twitter account, you can post entries and images.
I started it just for fun and my learning of Scala and Lift.
Although it's small, it has some features that not many people have done in Scala and Lift, such as image upload, CRUD, and so on. It also uses some new features introduced in Lift 2.2, such as CSS selectors and ... what else? So, it might be of some use for newbies.
This is an sbt project, which you should be used to if you're a
Scala programmer, and also an Eclipse project. ".project" was made
by a cool program called SbtEclipsify.
- i18n
- Fix the relationship between girls and entries tables.
If you find any bugs, have questions/comments, feel free to conatact
me at:
kashima [@t m@rk] shibuya [d0t] scala-users [d0t] org
Liftの勉強のために、美女Linuxみたいなのを作ってみました。 ATNDみたいにTwitterアカウントを使ってログインすると、エントリとか画像を投稿できます。
Lift 2.2の新機能とかもちょこちょこ使ってます。その他、以下のような事もやってるので、 Lift初心者の方には参考になるかも。
- ファイルアップロード
- Twitter認証
sbtプロジェクトをSbtEclipsify というプラグインでEclipseのプロジェクトに変換しているので、Eclipseな人にも安心。
- i18n
- girlsとentriesのリレーションの変更
kashima [あっとまーく] shibuya [ドット] scala-users [。] org