tcpdp is TCP dump tool with custom dumper and structured logger written in Go.
has 3 modes:
- TCP Proxy server mode
- Probe mode ( using libpcap )
- Read pcap file mode
$ tcpdp proxy -l localhost:12345 -r localhost:1234 -d hex # hex.Dump()
$ tcpdp proxy -l localhost:55432 -r -d pg # Dump query of PostgreSQL
$ tcpdp proxy -l localhost:33306 -r -d mysql # Dump query of MySQL
$ start_server --port 33306 -- tcpdp proxy -s -r -d mysql
$ tcpdp proxy -c config.toml
$ tcpdp probe -i lo0 -t localhost:3306 -d mysql # is almost the same setting as 'tcpdump -i lo0 host and tcp port 3306'
$ tcpdp probe -i eth0 -t 3306 -d hex # is almost the same setting as 'tcpdump -i eth0 tcp port 3306'
$ tcpdump -i eth0 host and tcp port 3306 -w mysql.pcap
$ tcpdp read mysql.pcap -d mysql -t 3306 -f ltsv
$ tcpdp config > myconfig.toml
$ tcpdp config
pidfile = "/var/run/"
dumper = "mysql"
target = ""
interface = "en0"
bufferSize = "2MB"
immediateMode = false
snapshotLength = "auto"
internalBufferLength = 10000
filter = ""
useServerStarter = false
listenAddr = "localhost:3306"
remoteAddr = ""
dir = "/var/log/tcpdp"
enable = true
enableInternal = true
stdout = true
format = "ltsv"
rotateEnable = true
rotationTime = "daily"
rotationCount = 7
# You can execute arbitrary commands after rotate
# $1 = prev filename
# $2 = current filename
rotationHook = "/path/to/"
fileName = "tcpdp.log"
dir = "/var/log/dump"
enable = true
stdout = false
format = "json"
rotateEnable = true
rotationTime = "hourly"
rotationCount = 24
fileName = "dump.log"
$ go get
| tcpdp
| v |
| proxy_listen_addr |
| + ^ |
| | | +--------+ |
| |<----+ dumper | |
| | |<--+ | |
| | | +--------+ |
| v + |
| proxy_client_addr |
| ^ |
| |
| +---+---+
| <--------------| eth0 |----------->
| interface +---+---+
| /target ^ |
| | |
| tcpdp | |
| +--------+ | |
| | dumper +------+ |
| +--------+ |
+--------+ STDIN +--------+ STDOUT
| *.pcap +------>+ dumper +-------->
+--------+ +--------+
key | description | mode |
ts | timestamp | proxy / probe / read |
level | log level | proxy / probe |
msg | log message | proxy / probe |
error | error info | proxy / probe |
caller | error caller | proxy / probe |
conn_id | TCP connection ID by tcpdp | proxy / probe |
target | probe target | proxy / probe |
dumper | dumper type | proxy / probe |
use_server_starter | use server_starter | proxy |
conn_seq_num | TCP comunication sequence number by tcpdp | proxy |
client_addr | client address | tcpdp.log, hex, mysql, pg |
remote_addr | remote address | proxy |
proxy_listen_addr | listen address | proxy |
direction | client to remote: -> / remote to client: <- |
proxy |
interface | probe target interface | probe |
mtu | interface MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) | probe |
mss | TCP connection MSS (Max Segment Size) | probe |
probe_target_addr | probe target address | probe |
filter | BPF (Berkeley Packet Filter) | probe |
buffer_size | libpcap buffer_size | probe |
immediate_mode | libpcap immediate_mode | probe |
snapshot_length | libpcap snapshot length | probe |
internal_buffer_length | tcpdp internal packet buffer length | probe |
MySQL query dumper
NOTICE: MySQL query dumper require --target
option when tcpdp proxy
tcpdp probe
key | description | mode |
ts | timestamp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_id | TCP connection ID by tcpdp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_seq_num | TCP comunication sequence number by tcpdp | proxy |
client_addr | client address | proxy |
proxy_listen_addr | listen address | proxy |
proxy_client_addr | proxy client address | proxy |
remote_addr | remote address | proxy |
direction | client to remote: -> / remote to client: <- |
proxy |
interface | probe target interface | probe |
src_addr | src address | probe / read |
dst_addr | dst address | probe / read |
probe_target_addr | probe target address | probe |
proxy_protocol_src_addr | proxy protocol src address | probe / proxy /read |
proxy_protocol_dst_addr | proxy protocol dst address | probe / proxy /read |
query | SQL query | proxy / probe / read |
stmt_id | statement id | proxy / probe / read |
stmt_prepare_query | prepared statement query | proxy / probe / read |
stmt_execute_values | prepared statement execute values | proxy / probe / read |
character_set | character set | proxy / probe / read |
username | username | proxy / probe / read |
database | database | proxy / probe / read |
seq_num | sequence number by MySQL | proxy / probe / read |
command_id | command_id for MySQL | proxy / probe / read |
PostgreSQL query dumper
NOTICE: PostgreSQL query dumper require --target
option tcpdp proxy
tcpdp probe
key | description | mode |
ts | timestamp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_id | TCP connection ID by tcpdp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_seq_num | TCP comunication sequence number by tcpdp | proxy |
client_addr | client address | proxy |
proxy_listen_addr | listen address | proxy |
proxy_client_addr | proxy client address | proxy |
remote_addr | remote address | proxy |
direction | client to remote: -> / remote to client: <- |
proxy |
interface | probe target interface | probe |
src_addr | src address | probe / read |
dst_addr | dst address | probe / read |
probe_target_addr | probe target address | probe |
proxy_protocol_src_addr | proxy protocol src address | probe / proxy /read |
proxy_protocol_dst_addr | proxy protocol dst address | probe / proxy /read |
query | SQL query | proxy / probe / read |
portal_name | portal Name | proxy / probe / read |
stmt_name | prepared statement name | proxy / probe / read |
parse_query | prepared statement query | proxy / probe / read |
bind_values | prepared statement bind(execute) values | proxy / probe / read |
username | username | proxy / probe / read |
database | database | proxy / probe / read |
message_type | message type for PostgreSQL | proxy / probe / read |
key | description | mode |
ts | timestamp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_id | TCP connection ID by tcpdp | proxy / probe / read |
conn_seq_num | TCP comunication sequence number by tcpdp | proxy |
client_addr | client address | proxy |
proxy_listen_addr | listen address | proxy |
proxy_client_addr | proxy client address | proxy |
remote_addr | remote address | proxy |
direction | client to remote: -> / remote to client: <- |
proxy |
interface | probe target interface | probe |
src_addr | src address | probe / read |
dst_addr | dst address | probe / read |
probe_target_addr | probe target address | probe |
proxy_protocol_src_addr | proxy protocol src address | probe / proxy /read |
proxy_protocol_dst_addr | proxy protocol dst address | probe / proxy /read |
bytes | bytes string by hex.Dump | proxy / probe / read |
ascii | ascii string by hex.Dump | proxy / probe / read |