Portfolio Website from Awwwards
This is the code for a personal portfolio website, showcasing the skills and projects of the developer. The website is designed with a modern and dynamic look, incorporating smooth scrolling, creative animations, and a responsive layout.
- Navigation: A clean and stylish navigation bar with a responsive sidebar for easy access to different sections.
- Hero Section: Eye-catching hero section with a name, tagline, and engaging animations.
- Interactive Elements: The website features a dot that follows the mouse, providing a unique and interactive experience.
- Section Transitions: Smooth transitions between sections, enhancing the overall user experience.
- Project Showcase: The second section displays three projects with images, titles, and publication years.
- About Me: A section introducing Jagmohan Singh Malhi, including a profile image and a brief description of his design philosophy and interests.
- Subscription Call-to-Action: Encourages users to subscribe to the developer's YouTube channel.
- Footer: Includes copyright information, real-time clock, and links to social media profiles.
- HTML5: Markup language for structuring the content.
- CSS3: Styling language for layout and presentation.
- JavaScript: Used for interactive elements, animations, and functionality.
- External Libraries: Utilizes Locomotive Scroll for smooth scrolling and GSAP for animations.
The website is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience across various devices. Media queries are employed to adjust styles for small screens.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the
file in a web browser to explore the website.
- Original Website: https://www.cynthiaugwu.com/
- Locomotive Scroll: https://github.com/locomotivemtl/locomotive-scroll
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform): https://greensock.com/gsap/
- Remixicon: https://remixicon.com/
- Font Share: https://www.fontshare.com/