django-exportable-admin provides ModelAdmin base classes which you can use to add delimited-format (such as CSV) export functionality to your changelist table.
- 3 usable base classes are provided:
- CSVExportableAdmin which adds comma-separated export to your changelist
- PipeExportableAdmin which adds pipe-separated export to your changelist
- MultiExportableAdmin which adds comma- and pipe-separated export to your changelist
If you wish to use a different delimeter, you can simply use the ExportableAdmin
base class and set the export_formats
attribte to contain the formats you
desire. This should be an iterable of 2-tuples, each containing::
(format-name, delimiter) -- ex: (u'CSV', u',')
By default, up to 10,000 rows will be exported, though this can be changed
easily by setting the export_queryset_limit
attribute on your ModelAdmin.
Users of Django > 1.3 should use the 2.x release line or the master branch in the git repository (
Users of Django = 1.3 should use the 1.x release line or the pre-tr branch in the git repository ( These releases and branch may not have complete functionality ported from the master branch. See the README for details.
Note: if you alter change_list_template
on your ModelAdmin subclass, the
"Export ..." button(s) will not appear. You will need to add them manually to your
template or link to the correct url(s) by some other means.
INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... "django_exportable_admin", ... ]
# myapp/ from django.contrib import admin from django_exportable_admin.admin import CSVExportableAdmin from models import MyModel class MyAdmin(CSVExportableAdmin): list_display = ('name','number','decimal','url','calc') def url(self, obj): return obj.filefield.url def calc(self, obj): return obj.number * obj.decimal, MyAdmin)
# myapp/ from django.contrib import admin from django_exportable_admin.admin import ExportableAdmin from models import MyModel class MyModelAdmin(ExportableAdmin): list_display = ('field1','field2','calculated_field') # only output 100 rows max export_queryset_limit = 100 # setup tab and semicolon export formats export_formats = ( (u'Tab', u'\t'), (u'Semicolon', u';'), ) def calculated_field(self, obj): return u"%.3f" % obj.float_field / 33.7 calculated_field.short_description = 'Arbitrary Title', MyModelAdmin)