Use the following link as a reference: GC Add Disk Guide
for the new disk. The new disk should be the SSD. Using the following command.
$ sudo lsblk
Format using ext4
$ sudo mkfs.ext4 -m 0 -E lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0,discard /dev/DEVICE_ID
Create mount directories:
We shall use the directories names as hardcoded in the bench scripts. However, those names can be anything you like given that you also change the values in the benchmarking scripts (i.e.,
Create data directory which is used as a last-level DB datafile in LogStore:
$ sudo mkdir -p /disks/data
Note that the same main disk is used as last level. In our experiments, this is HDD.
Create directory for SSD whihch is used as the main level DB datafile in LogStore.
$ sudo mkdir -p /disks/ssd
Mount SSD
$ sudo mount -o discard,defaults /dev/DEVICE_ID /disks/ssd
Set permissions
$ sudo chmod a+w /disks/ssd; sudo chmod a+w /disks/data
Creat logstore directories
$ mkdir -p /disks/ssd/logstore; mkdir -p /disks/data/logstore
Creat leveldb directories
$ mkdir -p /disks/ssd/leveldb; mkdir -p /disks/data/leveldb
Make sure dependencies are installed. e.g., Maven.
To use the Python scripts, make sure to install the dependencies using requirements.txt
We recommend using VirutalEnv to manage your Python environment.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo apt-get update; sudo apt install git make build-essential maven -y
Unzip the
file. Then, use the following command.
$ cd YCSB; mvn clean package