SSSD provides a set of daemons to manage access to remote directories and authentication mechanisms such as LDAP, Kerberos or FreeIPA. It provides an NSS and PAM interface toward the system and a pluggable backend system to connect to multiple different account sources.
More information about SSSD can be found on its project page -
SSSD is shipped as a binary package by most Linux distributions. If you want to obtain the latest source files, please navigate to the Releases folder on GitHub.
We sign release tarballs with our gpg key (id C13CD07FFB2DB1408E457A3CD3D21B2910CF6759)
since April 2022. For convenience, the key is also uploaded to
keyserver. You can import the key using:
$ curl -o sssd.asc
$ gpg2 --import sssd.asc
$ gpg2 --keyserver --recv-keys C13CD07FFB2DB1408E457A3CD3D21B2910CF6759
And verify the signature with:
$ version=x.y.z
$ curl -o sssd-$version.tar.gz$version/sssd-$version.tar.gz
$ curl -o sssd-$version.tar.gz.asc$version/sssd-$version.tar.gz.asc
$ gpg2 --verify sssd-$version.tar.gz.asc sssd-$version.tar.gz
SSSD maintains two release streams - stable and LTM. Releases designated as LTM are long-term maintenance releases and will see bugfixes and security patches for a longer time than other releases.
The list of all releases is maintained together with SSSD documentation.
Please see the our developer documentation.
The most up-to-date documentation can be found at
Its source code is hosted at
Please file an issue in the SSSD github instance. Make sure to follow the guide on reporting SSSD bugs.
Please see the file called COPYING.
There are several ways to contact us:
- the sssd-devel mailing list: Development of the System Security Services Daemon
- the sssd-users mailing list: End-user discussions about the System Security Services Daemon
- the #sssd and #freeipa IRC channels on
- irc://
- irc://