Code for introductory machine learning workshop
✔️ Python 3.7
✔️ Pipenv
✔️ Favourite IDE (PyCharm is recommended)
Navigate into project's main directory to run commands bellow:
pipenv install
NOTE: PyCharm should indentify Pipfile.lock
and suggest you installing all packages with one click instead.
pipenv shell
NOTE: PyCharm should activate your virtual environment automagically, so you can use it via IDE's Terminal.
To check whether installation went correctly, run following script within activated environent:
NOTE: In PyCharm you can just right-click
file and choose "Run 'check_dependencies'"
If you see following output, you're all set up. Congratulations 🎉 !
Sklearn is installed ✓
Matplotlib is installed ✓
Skimage is installed ✓
You're ready for ML hacking!