This is an example of the Us imaging is used to segment and classify thyroid nodule.
The following dependencies are needed:
- numpy >= 1.11.1
- SimpleITK >=1.0.1
- tensorflow-gpu ==1.14.0
- pandas >=0.20.1
- scikit-learn >= 0.17.1
- 1、when download the all project,check out the segmeatationdata.csv and classifydata.csv,put your train data into same folder.
- 2、run for vnet2d segmeatation training:make sure train data have effective path
- 3、run for vnet2d segmeatation inference:make sure test data have effective path
- 4、run for resnet2d classify training:make sure train data have effective path
- 5、run for resnet2d classify inference:make sure test data have effective path
test dataset segmentation result:left is source image,median is ground truth mask,right is predict mask
more detail and trained model can follow my WeChat Public article.
- email:
- Contact: junqiangChen
- WeChat Number: 1207173174
- WeChat Public number: 最新医学影像技术