- This code in C controls FM Transmitters with the TSA5511 or TSA5512 pll ic, with the Pic16F628A microcontroller.
- Microcontroller: Microchip Pic16F628A.
- PLL IC: Philips TSA5511 or TSA5512.
- Crystal Oscillator Reference: 3.2MHz or 4.0MHz.
- VCO: Single transistor Colpitts FM Oscillator with Varicap Diode.
- Compiler: MikroC Pro Pic 7.6.0 (demo).
- Programmer Hardware: Pickit2 or Pickit3.
- OS: Windows 7 with USB 2.0 Ports.
Download the repository from GitHub: https://github.com/junon10/tsa5511
Open the MCPPI project file, click in compile.
Burn the hex file in the Pic16F628A using Microchip Pickit2 or Pickit3 Programmer.
Insert the tsa5511/12 in the IC socket board connected to Pic16f628A and Fm Oscillator.
Configure the Dip Switches to desired frequency.
- For detailed technical specifications, refer to the TSA5511/12 datasheet.
- The 3.2MHz crystal oscillator presents better precision in generating frequencies in Broadcast Band 88-108MHz, but a 4MHz crystal can also be used with a small difference in frequencies.
- Junon M.
Contact: junon10@tutamail.com
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and send a pull request.
- TSA5511/12 Datasheet
- v1.0.0 (2024/06/16): Initial commit.
MIT License