104 commits
to master
since this release
JuMP v1.23.0
Merged pull requests:
- Add set inequality syntax for matrices (#3766) (@odow)
- Fix methods for calling value on a ::Number (#3776) (@odow)
- Fix missing character in installation instructions (#3777) (@mtanneau)
- Improve matrix inequality support (#3778) (@odow)
- [docs] add section of querying the Jacobian (#3779) (@odow)
- Improve error message for common incorrect syntax in constraint macro (#3781) (@odow)
- [docs] clarify that SCIP does not support lazy constraints (#3784) (@odow)
- Fix typo in knapsack.jl (#3792) (@LilithHafner)
- [docs] add warning to docs about tolerances in Bin and Int variables (#3794) (@odow)
- [docs] clarify where to type installation commands (#3795) (@odow)
- Fix querying dual of symmetric equality constraints (#3797) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.23.0 (#3799) (@odow)
- [docs] update to MOI v1.31.0 (#3800) (@odow)
- Allow changing coefficient type in read_from_file (#3801) (@blegat)
- Change show(::IO, ::GenericModel) to a more informative tree structure (#3803) (@odow)
- Fix various bugs with Real-valued Hermitian matrices (#3805) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Should we simplify NonLinearExpr similar to AffExpr or QuadExpr? (#3498)
- Inequality constraints over symmetric matrices are cumbersome (#3765)
- Set inequality syntax suggestion (#3770)
- Method error in value(::Function, ::Number) (#3775)
- Diagnostic for named constraint without constraint could be improved (#3780)
- Improve Solver-independent Callbacks manual page to specifiy SCIP doesn't support lazy constraints (#3783)
- Incorrect dual variable extracted from equality constraint between Hermitian matrices (#3796)
returns both0.0
ary values (#3793)- Model's print summary should include value type (#3802)
- Constraining Symmetric matrix to be equal to a Hermitian matrix is not Hermitian (#3804)