v0.20.1 (2019-10-25)
Closed issues:
- ERROR: LoadError: VariableNotOwnedError: Variable not owned by model present in objective (#2085)
- Object function may include some third-party library (#2078)
- Switching solver malfunctioning (#2074)
- set_optimizer is undocumented (#2073)
- CI is failing on master (#2059)
- Heads up about test error in JuMP for upcoming 1.3 RC-2. (#2054)
- Variable variable name (#2052)
- Error when trying to query objective value with CPLEX (#2047)
- Use of internal objects does not work anymore (#2046)
- Style: interpolated variables in strings need parentheses (#2042)
- TimeLimitSec (#2031)
- Column generation (#2004)
- Variable and constraint block description (#1999)
- Product of sparse matrix with transpose (#1276)
- Can we make at-expression more general? (#525)
Merged pull requests: