Data acquistion with different type of camera based on pyQtgraph
It use visu module to display the data received
Works with different cameras types:
-Basler (pip install pypylon: )
-Pixelink (pip install pixelinkWrapper:
-The imaging source (
-Allied technology pip instal git+ (official library works with vimba 2.5.)
-IDS camera use pyueye (pip install pyueye)
- python 3.x
- Numpy
- PyQt6
- pyqtgraph (
- pip intall pyqtgraph
- qdarkstyle (
- pip install qdarkstyle.
- visu
- pip install git+
appli = QApplication(sys.argv)
e = CAMERA("cam='FirstAllied'",fft='off',meas='on',affLight=False)
Or use :
a messagewindows will be created with all camera connected
choose one and run the .py created
cam : TYPE str, optional
cam='choose' : generate a input dialog box which the list of all the camera connected (allied,basler,imagingSource)
cam='cam1' : open the camera by the ID and type save in the confFile.ini
ncam='menu': generate a input dialog box with a menu with all the camera name present in the .ini file
cam='firstAllied' open the first allied vision camera
cam='firstBasler' open the first Basler camera
cam='firstImgSource' open the first ImagingSource camera
The default is 'choose'.
confFile : TYPE str, optional
confFile= path to file.initr
The default is 'confCamera.ini'.
affLight : TYPE boolean, optional
affLight=False all the option are show for the visualisation
affLight= True only few option (save open cross)
The default is True.
multi add time sleep to access QApplication.processEvents()
+ all kwds of VISU class