Generates a JSON schema for the Juju API.
To install, you will first need go and godeps, then you can build and install it with:
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
godeps -u dependencies.tsv
go install
Just run with no arguments, optionally redirecting the output to a file:
schemagen > schemas.json
Check out the specific revision of Juju that you wish to build agianst, update the schemagen dependencies to match that, tag schemagen for that version, then build and install the new version of schemagen:
cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout 2.1
godeps -u dependencies.tsv
cd $GOPATH/src/
godeps > dependencies.tsv
godeps -u dependencies.tsv
git ci -am 'Updated to 2.1'
git tag 2.1
git push --tags
go install