Script to assist in gathering logs and other debugging info from a Juju model
The best way to install this plugin is via the snap:
sudo snap install --classic juju-crashdump
However, you can also install using pip:
sudo pip install git+
juju crashdump [-h] [-d] [-m MODEL] [-f MAX_FILE_SIZE] [-b BUG]
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-u UNIQ] [-s] [-a ADDON]
[--addons-file ADDONS_FILE]
[extra_dir [extra_dir ...]]
- extra_dir
- Extra directories to snapshot
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
- -d, --description
- Output a short description of the plugin
- -m MODEL, --model MODEL
- Model to act on
- -f MAX_FILE_SIZE, --max-file-size MAX_FILE_SIZE
- The max file size (bytes) for included files
- -b BUG, --bug BUG
- Upload crashdump to the given launchpad bug #
- -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
- Store the completed crash dump in this dir.
- -u UNIQ, --uniq UNIQ
- Unique id for this crashdump. We generate a uuid if this is not specified.
- -s, --small
- Make a 'small' crashdump, by skipping the contents of /var/lib/juju.
- -a ADDON, --addon ADDON
- Enable the addon with the given name
- --addons-file ADDONS_FILE
- Use this file for addon definitions
- --as-root
- Collect logs as root, may contain passwords etc. Addons with local commands will only run if this flag is enabled.
Addons can be used to collect information that is not already present in files on the nodes. The following addons can be chosen from:
- crm-status
- listening (shows netstat)
- psaux
- juju-show-unit
- juju-show-status-log
- juju-show-machine
- ps-mem
- sosreport
- config (shows juju-config)
- engine-report (shows juju-introspection)
Additional addons can be loaded using --addons-file
. Addons files must take the format of:
# command to run locally (on the machine running juju crashdump),
# all created files will be pushed to {location} on all units.
local: echo "example" > example.txt
# command to run on every unit, all files created in {output} will be saved in the crashdump.
remote: mv {location}/example.txt {output}/example.txt
# local command to run for each {unit} or each {machine}. Std output will be saved.
local-per-unit: echo "example including {unit}"
The commands can appear in any order, any command can be left out, but every command can only be used once.