In this project, we built a Facebook-like application. We did not focus on styling, but instead, we focused on the core functionalities: users, friends, posts, and likes. We also implemented a "sign-in with Facebook" functionality with Omniauth. We also wrote some basic set of unit and integration tests to make sure the associations and the principal visual elements were properly made.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap
- Omniauth
- RSpec/Capybara
- Create an account
- Login
- Login with Facebook
- Create, update and delete a post
- Like a post or remove like from a post
- Create, update and delete comments
- Send a friend requests (or cancel a request sent)
- Accept / reject a friend request
- Delete a friend
You can clone the repo by running the next command in your command line:
git clone
Next, go into the project's folder by running the next command:
cd Facebook-Project
Then, run the command to start your local server:
rails start
Finally, go to your browser and type:
Please feel free to contribute, report any issue, feature request or provide any feedback. Click here
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