Cryptography and Security implementation project.
These instructions will install the system in your local machine.
Install Maven, if you haven't yet
brew install maven
sudo apt-get install maven
Clone the repository or download source code:
git clone
- Change working directory to project root (i.e where
is located):
cd <project-root>
- Let maven resolve dependencies:
mvn dependency:resolve
- Create jar file
mvn clean package [-D dir=<destination-directory>]
Note: If no destination was indicated, jar file will be under <project-root>/target
The application can be executed running java -jar <path-to-jar>
In order to execute using different options, parameters must be passed to the program. The following sections will describe these parameters
You can display the usage message by setting the -h
or the --help
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -h
In order to run in distribution mode, you must include the -d
In distribution mode, the system will create shadow images in order to hide the secret image in them.
At least one execution mode must be included.
Distribution and Recovery are mutually exclusive modes. Do not include both together.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -d -secret image.bmp -k 8
In order to run in recovery mode, you must include the -r
In recovery mode, the system will recreate the secret image from the shadow images.
At least one execution mode must be included.
Distribution and Recovery are mutually exclusive modes. Do not include both together.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -r -secret image.bmp -k 8
In order to indicate the secret image path, you must include the -secret
If running in distribution mode, this will be the image to be hidden in the shadow images.
Otherwise, if running in recovery mode, this will be the output (i.e the recovered image).
This is a required parameter.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -r -secret ~/Pictures/image.bmp -k 8
In order to indicate the secret image path, you must include the -k
This must be a positive integer number.
This is a required parameter.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -d -secret image.bmp -k 6
In order to indicate the amount of shadows to be created, you must include the -n
This must be a positive integer number, greater of equal than the minimum amount of shadows.
This is an optional parameter. If not included, the system will count how much image files there are in the shadows directory, and use that number as the amount of shadows.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -d -secret image.bmp -k 6 -n 8
In order to indicate the shadows directory, you must include the -dir
If running in distribution mode, this directory must contain the images that will be used as shadows (i.e where the secret image will be hidden).
Otherwise, if running in recovery mode, the directory must contain the shadow images.
This must be a valid path to a directory.
This is an optional parameter. If not included, the system will use the current working directory as the shadows directory.
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -d -secret image.bmp -k 6 -dir ~/Pictures/shadows
- Juan Marcos Bellini
- Diego de Rochebouët
- Leandro Llorca
- Jose Vitali
Math utils are based on project. Check for more information.