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Connecting to SteamVR

juice edited this page Oct 6, 2022 · 4 revisions

Installing the SteamVR driver

Since version 0.4, we have an installer! Simply run install_driver.exe from driver_files and it will do these steps for you!

Common problems:

Installer says "apriltagtrackers" folder not found!

This usualy happens if you downloaded the wrong files. You need to download the latest version from the releases tab, and make sure to download ApriltagTrackers-*.zip, not the source files!

Installer could not find config file!

Installer may ask for both Steam and SteamVR directories: make sure you dont point it to SteamVR when it asks for Steam!

This may also happen if you had multiple installations of SteamVR on your pc, in which case you may need to install the driver manualy.

Manual driver installation

Note: This shouldn't be necesarry in most cases. Only do it if the installer fails for whatever reason.

Inside the driver_files folder, there is a apriltagtrackers folder. Copy this folder to "Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/drivers". Now, open "Steam/config/steamvr.vrsettings" and, under "steamvr", add the field "activateMultipleDrivers" : true, . The section will now look something like:

"steamvr" : {
      "activateMultipleDrivers" : true,
      "installID" : "17046041383408253036",
      "lastVersionNotice" : "1.15.10",
      "lastVersionNoticeDate" : "1605567489",
      "showAdvancedSettings" : true

This will ensure that every time we launch steamvr, it will start the driver as well.

Connecting to SteamVR

When you press the Connect to SteamVR button, the program will connect. It will also start SteamVR if its not started already. If the connection will succeed, you will se the trackers and a base station on the status window, next to the hmd and controllers.


Place your camera somewhere somewhere around hip height, facing a bit downward - figure out the position and angle that will give you the most coverage of all your trackers.

Error code 2

If you get error code 2, it means that the driver isn't running. Make sure that install_driver.exe correctly installs the driver, and check whether the driver is disabled in settings. (SteamVR Settings -> Startup -> Addons -> apriltagtrackers, make sure it is on).

You can also take a look at the vrserver.txt file (in Steam/logs), and search it for apriltagtrackers. It should find a line that goes something like apriltagtrackers: Activating AprilTag Driver Bridge v0.5.4.... Lines after that should give you a clue at what went wrong.

If you can't find that line, the driver was not installed correctly. If install_driver.exe fails to install it, you can try to install it manualy.

Error when connecting to SteamVR as a client

If you get this error, it can sometimes be fixed by restarting SteamVR. If that doesn't work, try running ApriltagTrackers.exe as admon.

Other errors

If you get any other error, the first thing to try is to restart SteamVR and trying to run att as admin. Check SteamVR settings -> startup -> addons, and disable everything except for apriltagtrackers and the headset driver. In rare cases, you may have to reinstall SteamVR as well, as it just behaves weirdly sometimes.

No error

If the trackers do not show up on the status window, but pressing Connect to SteamVR throws no error, activateMultipleDrivers option wasnt correctly added to the config - try doing that manualy, but be careful where you put it and that comma is in the correct place.