This project is a Java bridge to the angular library, so that angular can be used from Java (thanks to the JSweet transpiler).
This candy is used for compilation (typing and API checking) but does not contain any implementation, similarly to a C/C++ header file or to a TypeScript definition file.
Clone this project with git and install the JSweet candy in your local Maven repository (so that you can refer to it as a dependency in other Maven projects):
> mvn install
To deploy the candy to the jsweet-candies organization (please contact us to get an authorized access):
> mvn deploy
Note: if you want to publish the candy in your own Maven repository, please refer to existing documentation on that particular topic.
Add the following dependency to the pom.xml
By default, JSweet candies are published with the Apache 2 Open Source license. Since they are pure APIs, remember that it does not make sense to try to bind a JSweet candy to a commercial license (on contrary to the bridged JS library/framework, which can be distributed under a non-open source license).