This ROS node can be used to communicate with the EPOS2 Controller from Maxon. EposCommunication wrapper is independent of ROS and more functionality from EPOS2 Command Library can be added in the same way.
In the current version, this software only activates Maxon's ProfilePositionMode to control position.
This is a catkin workspace ROS node, which allows absolute position control for Maxon EPOS2 with DCX motors. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic Kame.
Installation guide:
Download Library from:
cd catkin_ws
roslaunch maxon_epos2 maxon_epos2.launch
Homing (necessary before it reacts to position commands):
rosservice call /maxon/epos_homing_service
Set position:
rosservice call /maxon/epos_control_service "position_setpoint: 4" (position in mm between -47mm and 0 mm extension)
Get position and velocity:
rostopic echo /maxon/epos_info_topic"
- Set USB Port in EposCommunication::SetDefaultParameters() if necessary. Find devices with:
dmesg | grep tty
- Replace "xxx" in .launch file by EPOS2 serial number.